Research Scholar Guidance
1. S.K.Palai (2001) Ph.D (Botany) Studies on physiological. Biochemical and molecular status during in vitro culture of ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). (Notification no. EC.VI/520-Bot/3624/2002)
2. G.Das (2003) Ph.D (Botany) Studies on propagation of Plumbago: effect of explant source, age of explant, culture environment, nutritional factors and hormone regime.( No. EC.VI/597-Bot./1997/2003)
3. Rashmi Madhumita Nanda (2003) Ph.D (Botany) Molecular phylogeny and in vitro studies of tree Acacias. (No. EC.VI/622-Bot./1996/2003)
4. Sunil Samal (2003) Ph.D (Botany) Evaluation of genetic relationship and variability in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) (No. EC/VI/547-Bot./959/2003)
5. Anuradha. Mohapatra (2008) Ph.D (Botany) Studies on genetic improvement of rose and its evaluation by molecular markers. (No. EC/VI/1075-Bot./759/2008)
6. Sunil Kumar Senapati (2010) Ph.D (Botany) Genetic improvement of rose through mutagenesis and selection of improve types on the basis of molecular and morphological markers. (No. EC.VI/1310-Bot/2937/2010)
7. Subhashree Aparajita (2012) Ph.D (Botany) Genetic assessment of Legume genus Albizia for determination of its phylogenetic relationships and population structure. (No. EC.VI/1524-Bot./8940/2013)
8. Subhadra Rani Mallick (2013) Ph.D (Agril. Biotechnology): Development of transgenic rice by using abiotic stress tolerance gene.( No. Acd-II-08/2013-14, No. 23111/UAT)
9. Souvagyalaxmi Sahoo (2017) Ph.D (Biotechnology) Standardization Of Efficient Protocol on In vitro propagation of Aloe Barbadensis Miller. and Its genetic assessment through molecular basis. (JJT/2K9/SC/1512 http://hdl.handle. net/10603/198086.)
10. Tapaswini Hota (2018) Ph.D (Biotechnology): Studies on physiological, biochemical and molecular screening of Sesamum for abiotic stress tolerance:A biotechnological approach. (EC.-VI/2341-Biotech./2832/2018)
11. Rinny Swain (2019) Ph.D (Agril. Biotechnology) : Silicon (Si) impact assessment on salinity stress and molecular characterization of silicon transporter genes (Lsi1 and Lsi2) in Indica rice genotypes. (ACD-II-No.17572/UAT, dated 29.10.19)
12. Kundan Rajpalsingh Jadhao (2020) Ph.D (Agril. Biotechnology) : Identification and characterization of silicon-based gene and its mechanism associated with the different germplasms of finger millet resistance to stem borer and blast. (ACD-II-No.9372/UAT, dated 30.7.20)
13. Arundhati Das (2021) Ph.D (Life Sciences) : Molecular Phylogeny And Phytochemical analysis of selected plant species of family Combretaceae from Odisha for assessment of antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials.(No. 1663/MSCBDU/Ph.D, dated 27.7.21).
14. Prajjal Dey (2022) Ph.D in Agricultural Science (Plant Physiology): Physiological basis of growth and yield of low land rice cultivars grown under low light environment. (Notfication no. Acd-II-No. 5603/UAT, dated 05.04.2022).
15.Deepali Dash (2023) Ph.D in Agricultural Science (Plant Physiology): Study of low light stress on molecular regulation and yield performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.). (Notification no.Acd-II-No.171/UAT, dated 5.01.2023).
16.Lekshmi Manasa S (2023) Ph.D in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Biotechnology): Molecular mechanisms underlying flowering and fruiting ability associated with circadian clock regulation in Vigna radiate under cold stress”. (Notification no. Acd-II-No.13659/UAT, dated 3.08.2023).