Published Book Chapters
1. G.R.Rout and P.Das (1997) Technique of Micro-propagation (Eds. T.K. Bose, S.K. Mitra, M.K.Sadhu and P. Das ), pp. 105- 116, Kayani Publishers, Calcutta, India.
2. P. Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P.K. Behera (1997) Callus growth responses of sunflower explants cultured in vitro. In: Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. (Ed. L.K.Pareek), pp.232-238, Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner, India.
3. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Biotechnology of woody ornamentals. In: Biotechnology in Horticulture and Plantation Crops. Pp. 652-677,(Ed. Chadha, K.L), ICAR Publication, New Delhi. ISBN:81-85048-42-8.
4. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Somatic Embryogenesis in Simarouba glauca. In: Somatic embryogenesis in woody plants. Vol.4 (Eds. S. Mohan Jain, P.K. Gupta and R.J.Newton), pp. 369-386, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
5. G.R.Rout and P. Das (2001) Crysanthemum. In:Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops. (V.A.Parthasarathy, T.K. Bose, and P.Das; Eds), Vol.3, pp. 86-107, Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India. ISBN: 81-85421-62-5 (Set).
6. P. Das and G.R.Rout (2001) Rose. In:Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops. (Parthasarathy, V.A., Bose, T.K. and Das, P; Eds), Vol.3, pp. 1-28, Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India. ISBN: 81-85421-62-5 (Set).
7. G.R. Rout (2002) Application of Cell Culture on production of secondary metabolites: A review In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plant, Vol.4- Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, ( Govil, J.N., Anand Kumar, P and Singh, V.K; Eds), SCI TECH Pub.,USA, pp. 237 – 258,.
8. G.R. Rout and P. Das (2002) Role of growth regulators on micropropagation of Medicinal Plants: A Review. In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plant, Vol.4- Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Govil, J.N., Anand Kumar, P and Singh, V.K; Eds),SCI TECH Pub., USA pp. 327-258,
9. G.R. Rout and P. Das (2002) In vitro studies of ginger: a review of recent progress. In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plant, Vol.4- Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Govil, J.N., Anand Kumar, P and Singh,V.K; Eds), SCI TECH Pub., USA, pp. 307-326.
10. G.R.Rout and R.M. Nanda (2004) Protocol of In vitro somatic embryogenesis in Acacia arabica (Lamk.). In: Protocol for somatic embryogenesis in woody plants, (Mohan Jain and P. K. Gupta; Eds), pp. 401-412, Springer Academic Publishers ,The Netherlands.
11. G.R.Rout and Mohan Jain (2005) Micropropagation of Floricultural Crops. In: Journey of a Single Cell to a Plant. Edited by S.J. Murch and P.K. Saxena., pp. 309 – 363, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. (ISBN No. 81-204-1634-1).
12. G.R.Rout, A.Mohapatra, R.M.Nanda and S. Nayak (2006) DNA fingerprinting in Ornamental Crops. In: Advances in Ornamental Horticulture. Vol. 5. Edited by S.K.Bhattacherjee, Chapter-6, pp. 62-95, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India. (ISBN 81-7132-432-0).
13. G.R. Rout (2006) DNA Finger Printing of Trees: A review of Recent Progress. In: Advances in Biotechnology. Edited by P.C.Trivedi, pp. 67-82, Agrobios (India),Jodhpur. (ISBN: 81-7754-236-2).
14. G.R.Rout, S.Aparajita & S.S.Sadar (2011) Microsatellite and its application:A Review. In: Biotechnology:A New Approach. (Edited by P.C.Trivedi), Agrobios Publisher, pp. 223-241, Rajastan (ISBN No. 81-7754-467-5).
15. S.K.Tripathy, P.K.Mishra, G.R.Rout & A.B.Das (2011) Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Cold Tolerance in Plants. In: Biotechnology:A New Approach. (P.C.Trivedi, Ed), pp. 161-187, Agrobios Publisher,India. (ISBN No. 81-7754-467-5 )
16. G.R.Rout & C.Pradhan (2012) Somatic embryogenesis & Application In: Plant Tissue Culture: Totipotency to Transgenic (H.P.Sharma, Ed), Agrobios Publisher, pp. 57-78, India (ISBN No. 81-7754-467-5).
17. G.R.Rout & S.K.Senapati (2013) Stress Tolerance in Plants: A Proteomics approach. In: Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants (Edited by G.R.Rout & A.B.Das), pp. 359-386, Springer, Germany (ISBN No. 978-81-322-0806-8).
18. G. R. Rout and J. Panigrahi (2014) Analysis of signaling pathways during heavy metal toxicity: A functional genomic perspective. In: Elucidation of Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plants. (Edited by G.K.Pandey), Springer, pp.295-225. (ISBN 978-1-4939-2210-9).
19. S.Sahoo and G.R.Rout (2016) In vitro propagation, biological and pharmaceutical activities of Aloe barbadensis Miller. In: Biotechnology in Crop Improvement. (Edited by Prof. P.C.Trivedi), Pointer Publishers, Jaipur-3, India, pp.20-29 (ISBN No.978-81-7132-855-0).
20. J. Panigrahi and G R Rout (2017) Mechanisms of Hormone Signaling in Plants Under Abiotic and Biotic Stresses. Chapter-17, Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress, First Edition, Vol. 2. Pp. 505-531, Girdhar Pandey (Ed). © 2017 JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 9781493925391).
21. K.C.Samal and G.R.Rout (2018) Genetic improvement of vegetables using Transgenic technology. In: Genetic Engineering of Horticultural Crops, (Eds. G.R.Rout & K.V.Peter), Chapter-10, pp.193-224, Elsevier, Academic Press, United Kingdom. (ISBN: 978-0-12-810439-2).
22. G.R.Rout, B.Deo and D.Swain (2018 ) Restoration of Metalliferous Mine Waste Through Genetically Modified Crops. Chapter-12, pp.257-278, In:Transgenic plant technology for remediation of toxic metals and metalloids (Ed. Majeti Narasimha Vara Prasad), Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, (ISBN: 978-0-12-814389-6).
23. Suvalaxmi Palei, Rasheswari Dasmohapatra, S. Samal, and G R. Rout (2019) Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) Breeding Strategies. Chapter-4. In: J.M.Al-Khayri et al. (eds.), Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Nut and Beverage Crops, © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
24. G.R.Rout and S.M.Jain (2020) Advances in tissue culture techniques for ornamental plant propagation. Chapter-4. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of ornamental plants,, Reid, M. (ed.), pp. 1- 39. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing,Cambridge, UK (ISBN:978-1-78676-328- 0;
25. Jannela Praveena, S. N. Dash, L. Behera and G. R. Rout (2022) Role of Brassinosteroids on Plant Growth and Development. Chapter-2. In: Jasmonates and Brassinosteroids in Plants: Metabolism,Signaling, Biotechnological Applications. Geetika Sirhindi (Eds), pp.23-33, CRC Press, USA ISBN 9780367627560.
26. G. R. Rout, K Singh Jadhao, S. Panda and R. Swain (2022) Approaches in stress mitigation of plants. Chapter-1, In: Plant Stress Mitigators: Types, Techniques and Functions. Mansour Ghorbanpour and Muhammad Adnan Shahid (Eds), Pp. 1-24, Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-89871-3.00003-3
27. Rinny Swain, Jannela Praveena, and G. R. Rout (2022) Mitigation Strategies of the Impact of Global Climate Change on Fruit Crops, In: Cultivation for Climate Change Resilience ,Volume 1 Tropical Fruit Trees. A.A.Abul-Soad & J.M. Al-Khavri (eds), pp. 28-56, CRC Press, USA.ISBN no. 978-0-367-15189-8.
28. G.R.Rout and G.Das (2022) Omics in commercial flowers: applications and prospects. Chapter-24. In: Omics in Horticultural Crops. G.R.Rout & K.V.Peter (Eds.), pp.547-562, Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 125 London Wall, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-0-323-89905-5.
29. Rinny Swain, Jannela Praveena, Mamata Behera and G. R. Rout (2023) Instigating Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies to Combat Impact of Global Climate Change in Fruit Crops. Chapter-2 In: Cultivation for Climate Change Resilience, Vol.2.Temperate Fruit Trees. A.A.Abul-Soad & J.M. Al-Khavri (eds), pp. 28-67, CRC Press, USA.ISBN no.978-1-032-39736-8 (hbk)