Review Papers 

2.P.Das and G.R.Rout (1994) Analysis of current methods and approaches on the micropropagationof bamboo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 64: 235-246, India

3. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1997) Recent trend in biotechnology of Chrysanthemum :  a critical review. Scientia Horticulturae, 69: 239-257.Netherlands 

4.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1998) Role of chromium on plant growth   and metabolism: A review. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20 (2):201-212,     Poland 

5.G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray and  P. Das (1998) In vitro propagation of woody       ornamentals: A review. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences (India): 68 (2): 91-106.

6.G.R. Rout,  S. Samantaray, A.Meshram and  P. Das (1999) Microbes as components in sustainable development of wastelands: A review.  Acta Micrologica  Polonica,8 (1):5-18.  

7.G.R.Rout, S Samantaray, J, Mottley and P.Das (1999) Biotechnology of the  rose: a review of recent progress. Scientia Horticulturae, 81: 201-228.  

8.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) Biotechnology of the  Banana : A Review of recent progress. Plant Biology,2:512-524. 

9, G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) In vitro manipulation and propagation of medicinal plants. Biotechnology Advances, 18:91-120. 

10.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Aluminium toxicity in plants : A review. Agronomie ,21 (1): 3-21. 

11.G.R.Rout and  P. Das. (2003) Effect of  Metal  toxicity on plant growth and    metabolism . I. Zinc.  Agronomie , 23 : 3-11.

12. G.R.Rout and Mohan Jain  (2004)  Micropropagation of ornamental plant – Cut   flower.  Propagation of Ornamental plant, 4 (2):3-28. 

13. A. Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005)  Use of molecular markers in Ornamental   plants: A critical reappraisal. European Jour. Horticultural Sciences, 71 (2):53-68.

14. G.R.Rout, A. Mohapatra, A and  S. Mohan Jain (2006) Tissue culture of Ornamental Pot plants: a critical review on present scenario and future   prospects. Biotechnology Advances, 24: 531-560.

15. S.M.Jain, M.A.Jenks, G.R.Rout and L.Radojevic (2006) Micropropagation of Ornamental Potted Plants. Propagation of Ornamental Plants. 6:67-82.

16. S.Palei, A.K.Das and G.R.Rout (2015) In vitro studies of strawberry-An important Fruit Crops: A Review. Jour. Plant Science. Research, 31 (2):115-131.

17G.R.Rout  and Sunita Sahoo (2015) Role of Iron  in Plant Growth and metabolism. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 3:1-24.

18. R. Swain and G.R.Rout (2017) Silicon in Agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture   Reviews, 25: 233-260. © Springer International Publishing AG .

19. S. Palei, D. K. Dash and G.R. Rout (2018) Biology and Biotechnology of Papaya, an important fruit crop of  tropics: A Review. Vegetos 31(4):01-15. 

20.Jannela Praveena, S. Dash, L. Behera, and G.R.Rout (2020) Brassinosteroids: A Multifunctional Phytohormone of Plant Development and Stress Responses. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39(25): 174-196.