Research Publication
Research Publication
1. G.R.Rout, B.K.Debata and P.Das (1989) In vitro mass propagation of Rosa hybrida cv.Landora. Current Science., 58: 876-878.
1. G.R.Rout, B.K.Debata and P.Das (1989) In vitro mass propagation of Rosa hybrida cv.Landora. Current Science., 58: 876-878.
2. G.R.Rout, B.K.Debata and P. Das (1990) In vitro clonal multiplication of roses.Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 60 (3) : 311-319.
2. G.R.Rout, B.K.Debata and P. Das (1990) In vitro clonal multiplication of roses.Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 60 (3) : 311-319.
3. G.R.Rout, B.K. Debata and P. Das (1991) Somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 27: 65-69.
3. G.R.Rout, B.K. Debata and P. Das (1991) Somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 27: 65-69.
4. P. Das and G.R.Rout (1991) Mass multiplication and flowering of bamboo in vitro. Orissa Jour. Horticulture, 19 (1&2):118-121
4. P. Das and G.R.Rout (1991) Mass multiplication and flowering of bamboo in vitro. Orissa Jour. Horticulture, 19 (1&2):118-121
5. G.R.Rout, U.C.Mallick and P. Das (1992) In vitro plant regeneration from leaf callus of Cephaelis ipecacuanha A.Rich., Adv. Plant Sci., 5: 608-613
5. G.R.Rout, U.C.Mallick and P. Das (1992) In vitro plant regeneration from leaf callus of Cephaelis ipecacuanha A.Rich., Adv. Plant Sci., 5: 608-613
6.G.R.Rout, B.K. Debata and P. Das (1992) In vitro regeneration of shoots from callus cultures of Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. Indian Jour. Expt. Biol.,30:15- 18.
6.G.R.Rout, B.K. Debata and P. Das (1992) In vitro regeneration of shoots from callus cultures of Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. Indian Jour. Expt. Biol.,30:15- 18.
7.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1993) Regeneration of Parthenium argentatum A.Gray from stem explants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 63 (3): 30-33.
7.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1993) Regeneration of Parthenium argentatum A.Gray from stem explants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 63 (3): 30-33.
8.P. Das, S. Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1993) Effect of carbohydrates on somatic embryogenesis in Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. BIOME, 6(2):73-77.
8.P. Das, S. Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1993) Effect of carbohydrates on somatic embryogenesis in Rosa hybrida cv. Landora. BIOME, 6(2):73-77.
9. P. Das, G.R. Rout, and A.B. Das (1993) Somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Mussaenda erythophylla cvs. Queen Sirikit and Rosea. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 35: 199-201.
9. P. Das, G.R. Rout, and A.B. Das (1993) Somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Mussaenda erythophylla cvs. Queen Sirikit and Rosea. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 35: 199-201.
10. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1993) Micropropagation of Madhuca longifolia (Koening) MacBride Var. latifolia. Roxb. Plant Cell Report, 12(9): 513-516.USA
10. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1993) Micropropagation of Madhuca longifolia (Koening) MacBride Var. latifolia. Roxb. Plant Cell Report, 12(9): 513-516.USA
11. P.Das and G.R.Rout (1994) Analysis of current methods and approaches on the micropropagation of bamboo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 64: 235-246
11. P.Das and G.R.Rout (1994) Analysis of current methods and approaches on the micropropagation of bamboo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, 64: 235-246
12. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis from callus cultures of Simarouba glauca Linn. Indian Jour. Experimental Biology, 32:581-583
12. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis from callus cultures of Simarouba glauca Linn. Indian Jour. Experimental Biology, 32:581-583
13. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Direct plant regeneration from cotyledon explants of Simarouba glauca Linn. in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India, 64 (1): 127- 131
13. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Direct plant regeneration from cotyledon explants of Simarouba glauca Linn. in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India, 64 (1): 127- 131
14.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis and in vitro flowering of 3 bamboo species. Plant Cell Reports, 13: 683-686.
14.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis and in vitro flowering of 3 bamboo species. Plant Cell Reports, 13: 683-686.
15. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis in Simarouba glauca in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture, 37:79-81.
15. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1994) Somatic embryogenesis in Simarouba glauca in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture, 37:79-81.
16. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, M.C.Rout and P. Das (1995) Metabolic changes during rooting in stem cuttings of Casuarina equisetifolia L: Effects of auxin the sex and the type of cutting on rooting. Plant Growth Regulation, 19: 35-43.
16. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, M.C.Rout and P. Das (1995) Metabolic changes during rooting in stem cuttings of Casuarina equisetifolia L: Effects of auxin the sex and the type of cutting on rooting. Plant Growth Regulation, 19: 35-43.
17. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) In vitro regeneration of Leucaena leucocephalla cv. K8 (Lam.) deWit: effects of growth regulators and illumination on organogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India, 65: 325-331.
17. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) In vitro regeneration of Leucaena leucocephalla cv. K8 (Lam.) deWit: effects of growth regulators and illumination on organogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India, 65: 325-331.
18.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Effect of growth regulators, culture conditions, source of the explants and the age of Trema orientalis (Blume) Linn.Israel Jour. of Plant Sciences, 43: 391-395.
18.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Effect of growth regulators, culture conditions, source of the explants and the age of Trema orientalis (Blume) Linn.Israel Jour. of Plant Sciences, 43: 391-395.
19. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro micropropagation from mature nodal explants of Simarouba glauca Linn. An oil-yielding tree. Bangladesh Jour.of Botany, 24: 137-141.
19. G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro micropropagation from mature nodal explants of Simarouba glauca Linn. An oil-yielding tree. Bangladesh Jour.of Botany, 24: 137-141.
20.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Effect of growth regulators, culture environment on somatic embryogenesis of Acacia catechu Willd. Israel JourPlant Sciences, 43 : 263-269.
20.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Effect of growth regulators, culture environment on somatic embryogenesis of Acacia catechu Willd. Israel JourPlant Sciences, 43 : 263-269.
21.A.B.Das, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro somatic embryogenesis from callus culture of the timber yielding tree Hardwickia binata. Roxb. Plant CellReports, 15: 267-269.
21.A.B.Das, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro somatic embryogenesis from callus culture of the timber yielding tree Hardwickia binata. Roxb. Plant CellReports, 15: 267-269.
22.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from callus culture of Acacia catechu Willd.- a multipurpose leguminous tree. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 42 (3):137-141.
22.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1995) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from callus culture of Acacia catechu Willd.- a multipurpose leguminous tree. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 42 (3):137-141.
23.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P.Das(1995)An in vitro studies of organogenesis in Trema orientalis (Blume) Linn.Plant Science,105:87-94.
23.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P.Das(1995)An in vitro studies of organogenesis in Trema orientalis (Blume) Linn.Plant Science,105:87-94.
24.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro plant regeneration from eafbase and mesocotyl cultures of Echinochloa colona. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 40: 37-41.
24.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) In vitro plant regeneration from eafbase and mesocotyl cultures of Echinochloa colona. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 40: 37-41.
25.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) Isozyme profile during somatic embryogenesis and in vitro flowering of Bambusa vulgaris. Jour. Plant Biochem. and Biotechnology, 4(1):43-45.
25.G.R.Rout and P. Das (1995) Isozyme profile during somatic embryogenesis and in vitro flowering of Bambusa vulgaris. Jour. Plant Biochem. and Biotechnology, 4(1):43-45.
26.S.K.Palai, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1996) In vitro plant regeneration of Dianthus caryophyllus cv. Alas Red through callus culture. Indian Jour. Horticulturae, 53 (1):1-7.
26.S.K.Palai, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1996) In vitro plant regeneration of Dianthus caryophyllus cv. Alas Red through callus culture. Indian Jour. Horticulturae, 53 (1):1-7.
27.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1996) A study of soil-plant and root-shoot relationships in rice (Oryza sativa cv. Pathara) grown on chromiferous mine spoil. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, India, 66 (4):349-358.
27.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1996) A study of soil-plant and root-shoot relationships in rice (Oryza sativa cv. Pathara) grown on chromiferous mine spoil. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, India, 66 (4):349-358.
28.P. Das, S.Samantaray and G.R. Rout (1996) Organogenesis and in vitro flowering of E. colona (L.) Link: effect of growth regulators and explant types. Biologia Plantarum, 38: 329-334.
28.P. Das, S.Samantaray and G.R. Rout (1996) Organogenesis and in vitro flowering of E. colona (L.) Link: effect of growth regulators and explant types. Biologia Plantarum, 38: 329-334.
29.P.Das, G.R.Rout and S.Samantaray (1996) Regeneration of plantlets from callus cultures of Dalbergia spp. in vitro. Biologia, 51: 49-54.
29.P.Das, G.R.Rout and S.Samantaray (1996) Regeneration of plantlets from callus cultures of Dalbergia spp. in vitro. Biologia, 51: 49-54.
30.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1996) Root growth of Echinochloa colona: Effects of heavy metals in solution culture. Fresenius Envir. Bulletin, 5: 469- 473.
30.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1996) Root growth of Echinochloa colona: Effects of heavy metals in solution culture. Fresenius Envir. Bulletin, 5: 469- 473.
31.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1996) Studies on in vitro somatic embryogenesis of Muntingia calabura L. Plant Tissue Culture, 6: 15-24.
31.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1996) Studies on in vitro somatic embryogenesis of Muntingia calabura L. Plant Tissue Culture, 6: 15-24.
32.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1997) In vitro regeneration via callogenesis and organogenesis from mature explants of Bambusa vulgaris. Biologia Plantarum, 39 (4): 515-522.
32.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1997) In vitro regeneration via callogenesis and organogenesis from mature explants of Bambusa vulgaris. Biologia Plantarum, 39 (4): 515-522.
33. C.Saxena, S.K. Palai, S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1997) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Plant Growth Regulation, 22:13-17.
33. C.Saxena, S.K. Palai, S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1997) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Plant Growth Regulation, 22:13-17.
34. G.R. Rout, P. Das and S. Samantaray (1997) In vitro propagation of Acacia catechu, a xerophilous tree. Plant Tissue Culture, 6:15-24.
34. G.R. Rout, P. Das and S. Samantaray (1997) In vitro propagation of Acacia catechu, a xerophilous tree. Plant Tissue Culture, 6:15-24.
35.G.R.Rout, S.K.Palai, P. Pandey and P. Das (1997) Direct plant regeneration of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Deep Pink: Influence of explant source, age of explant, culture environment, carbohydrates, nutritional factors, and hormone regime. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India , 67: 57-66.
35.G.R.Rout, S.K.Palai, P. Pandey and P. Das (1997) Direct plant regeneration of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Deep Pink: Influence of explant source, age of explant, culture environment, carbohydrates, nutritional factors, and hormone regime. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences, India , 67: 57-66.
36. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray, and P. Das (1997) Differential chromium tolerance of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotype in nutrient culture. Jour. Plant Nutrition, 20:473-483.
36. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray, and P. Das (1997) Differential chromium tolerance of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotype in nutrient culture. Jour. Plant Nutrition, 20:473-483.
37. P. Das, S.Samantaray, A.V. Roberts, and G.R. Rout (1997) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.- a multipurpose timber yielding tree.Plant Cell Reports, 16:578-582. 38.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1997) In vitro organogenesis of ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc.). Jour. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants,4 (4):41-52.
37. P. Das, S.Samantaray, A.V. Roberts, and G.R. Rout (1997) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.- a multipurpose timber yielding tree.Plant Cell Reports, 16:578-582. 38.G.R.Rout and P.Das (1997) In vitro organogenesis of ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc.). Jour. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants,4 (4):41-52.
39.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1997) Manganese toxicity in Echinochloa colona: Effects of divalent manganese in growth and development. Israel Jour.Plant Sciences, 45: 9-12.
39.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1997) Manganese toxicity in Echinochloa colona: Effects of divalent manganese in growth and development. Israel Jour.Plant Sciences, 45: 9-12.
40.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1997) Regeneration of plants via. somatic embryogenesis from leafbase and mesocotyl segments of Echinochloa colona (L.).Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,47:119-125.
40.S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1997) Regeneration of plants via. somatic embryogenesis from leafbase and mesocotyl segments of Echinochloa colona (L.).Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,47:119-125.
41.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1997) Tolerance of rice to nickel in the nutrient solution. Biologia Plantarum,40(2):295-298
41.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1997) Tolerance of rice to nickel in the nutrient solution. Biologia Plantarum,40(2):295-298
42.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (1998) Somatic embryogenesis and plant
42.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (1998) Somatic embryogenesis and plant
regeneration from suspension culture of E. colona (L.) Link: a metal-tolerant grass. Biologia Plantarum, 40(1):7-23.
regeneration from suspension culture of E. colona (L.) Link: a metal-tolerant grass. Biologia Plantarum, 40(1):7-23.
43. A Patra, B.Rai, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1998) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Plant Growth Regulation, 24:13-16
43. A Patra, B.Rai, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1998) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Plant Growth Regulation, 24:13-16
44. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1998) Differential nickel tolerance of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes in nutrient culture. Agronomie, 18:537-544.
44. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1998) Differential nickel tolerance of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes in nutrient culture. Agronomie, 18:537-544.
45. P.Das, S.Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1998) Plant regeneration via.Somatic embryogenesis from mature explants of Bambusa vulgaris. Orissa J. Hort., 25:53-56.
45. P.Das, S.Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1998) Plant regeneration via.Somatic embryogenesis from mature explants of Bambusa vulgaris. Orissa J. Hort., 25:53-56.
46. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, S.K. Palli and P. Das (1998) Biochemical changes during in vitro propagation of Curcuma longa. Acta Botanica Hungerica, 39(3- 4):383-392.
46. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, S.K. Palli and P. Das (1998) Biochemical changes during in vitro propagation of Curcuma longa. Acta Botanica Hungerica, 39(3- 4):383-392.
47. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (1998) In vitro selection and characterization of Ni-tolerant callus lines of Setaria italica L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20 (3): 269-275.
47. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (1998) In vitro selection and characterization of Ni-tolerant callus lines of Setaria italica L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20 (3): 269-275.
48. C.Saxena, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1998) Micropropagation of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Jour. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences,20 (1):15-18.
48. C.Saxena, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1998) Micropropagation of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Jour. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences,20 (1):15-18.
49. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray, and P. Das (1998) Role of nickel on somatic embryogenesis in Setaria italica L. in vitro. Euphytica, 101:319-324.
49. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray, and P. Das (1998) Role of nickel on somatic embryogenesis in Setaria italica L. in vitro. Euphytica, 101:319-324.
50. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray and P. Das (1998) In vitro propagation of woody ornamentals : A review. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences (India), 68(2): 91-106.
50. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray and P. Das (1998) In vitro propagation of woody ornamentals : A review. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences (India), 68(2): 91-106.
51. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, A. Patra and P. Das (1998) Chromosomal variation and cytophotometric investigation of callus culture of the tea plant, (Cammellia sinensis). Cytobios, 93:73-82.
51. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, A. Patra and P. Das (1998) Chromosomal variation and cytophotometric investigation of callus culture of the tea plant, (Cammellia sinensis). Cytobios, 93:73-82.
52. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1998) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Crotalaria spp. Biologia, 53(1): 115-120.
52. G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1998) Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Crotalaria spp. Biologia, 53(1): 115-120.
53.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, A.V.Roberts and P. Das (1998) Histology of in vitro organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Rosa. Biologia, 53(1): 121-126.
53.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, A.V.Roberts and P. Das (1998) Histology of in vitro organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Rosa. Biologia, 53(1): 121-126.
54. G.R. Rout, P. Das, S.Goel, and S.N. Raina (1998) Determination of genetic stability of micropropagated plants of ginger using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 39:23-27.
54. G.R. Rout, P. Das, S.Goel, and S.N. Raina (1998) Determination of genetic stability of micropropagated plants of ginger using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 39:23-27.
55. S. Samantaray, S, S. Pani, G.R.Rout, and P.Das (1998) Effect of heavy metals on root growth of Italian millet (Setaria italica.L.) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 7: 295-301
55. S. Samantaray, S, S. Pani, G.R.Rout, and P.Das (1998) Effect of heavy metals on root growth of Italian millet (Setaria italica.L.) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 7: 295-301
56. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1998) Tolerance of rice to nickel in nutrient solution. Biologia Plantarum, 40(2): 295-298.
56. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1998) Tolerance of rice to nickel in nutrient solution. Biologia Plantarum, 40(2): 295-298.
57. P. Das, M.C. Rout, S.Samantaray, and G.R. Rout (1998) Effect of sex and age on growth and biomass production in Casuarina equisetifolia (L.). Forest Common Wealth Forestry Review, 77(1):29 - 31.
57. P. Das, M.C. Rout, S.Samantaray, and G.R. Rout (1998) Effect of sex and age on growth and biomass production in Casuarina equisetifolia (L.). Forest Common Wealth Forestry Review, 77(1):29 - 31.
58. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Biotechnology in Banana improvement. The Botanica, 79:81-90.
58. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Biotechnology in Banana improvement. The Botanica, 79:81-90.
59. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies of differential tolerance of mung bean cultivars to metalliferous mine wastes. Agribiological Research, 54(3-4):193-201.
59. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies of differential tolerance of mung bean cultivars to metalliferous mine wastes. Agribiological Research, 54(3-4):193-201.
60.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Chromium, nickel and zinc tolerance in Leucaena leucocephalla cv. K8 (Lam.) de Wit. Silvae Genetica , 48:151-157
60.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Chromium, nickel and zinc tolerance in Leucaena leucocephalla cv. K8 (Lam.) de Wit. Silvae Genetica , 48:151-157
61.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) In vitro selection and biochemical characterization of zinc and manganese adapted callus lines in Brassica species. Plant Science, 137:89-100.
61.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) In vitro selection and biochemical characterization of zinc and manganese adapted callus lines in Brassica species. Plant Science, 137:89-100.
62.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Cytological analysis and cytophotometric estimation of DNA of the calli and the regenerants of Simarouba glauca L. in vitro. Cytobios, 98: 149-158.
62.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Cytological analysis and cytophotometric estimation of DNA of the calli and the regenerants of Simarouba glauca L. in vitro. Cytobios, 98: 149-158.
63. G.R.Rout, C. Saxena, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Rapid plant regeneration from callus cultures of Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 56:47-51.
63. G.R.Rout, C. Saxena, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Rapid plant regeneration from callus cultures of Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 56:47-51.
64. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Changes in isozyme patterns during in vitro regeneration from cotyledon explants of Brassica species. Biologia Plantarum, 42 (2): 169-176.
64. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Changes in isozyme patterns during in vitro regeneration from cotyledon explants of Brassica species. Biologia Plantarum, 42 (2): 169-176.
65. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, A.Meshram and P. Das (1999) Microbes as components in the sustainable development of wastelands: A review. Acta Micrologica Polonica, 48 (1):5-18.
65. G.R. Rout, S. Samantaray, A.Meshram and P. Das (1999) Microbes as components in the sustainable development of wastelands: A review. Acta Micrologica Polonica, 48 (1):5-18.
66. G.R. Rout, C.Saxena, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Rapid clonal propagation of Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Growth Regulation ,28:1-4.
66. G.R. Rout, C.Saxena, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Rapid clonal propagation of Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Growth Regulation ,28:1-4.
67. P.Das, S.K. Palai, A. Patra, S.Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1999) In vitro somatic embryogenesis in Typhonium trilobatum Schott. Plant Growth Regulation, 27: 193-197.
67. P.Das, S.K. Palai, A. Patra, S.Samantaray and G.R.Rout (1999) In vitro somatic embryogenesis in Typhonium trilobatum Schott. Plant Growth Regulation, 27: 193-197.
68. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies on zinc tolerance in Setaria italica L. in vitro. Plant Science, 143: 201-209.
68. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies on zinc tolerance in Setaria italica L. in vitro. Plant Science, 143: 201-209.
69. S.Samantaray, G. R. Rout, and P. Das (1999) Chromium and nickel tolerance of Trema orientalis (Blume) in tissue culture. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 21 (1): 27-35.
69. S.Samantaray, G. R. Rout, and P. Das (1999) Chromium and nickel tolerance of Trema orientalis (Blume) in tissue culture. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 21 (1): 27-35.
70.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies on the uptake of heavy metals by various plant species on chromite mine spoils in monsoon climate in India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 55:389-399.
70.S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Studies on the uptake of heavy metals by various plant species on chromite mine spoils in monsoon climate in India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 55:389-399.
71. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Effect of AgNo3 on high-frequency plant regeneration of Simarouba glauca. Jour. Applied Botany, 73:15-19.
71. G.R. Rout and P. Das (1999) Effect of AgNo3 on high-frequency plant regeneration of Simarouba glauca. Jour. Applied Botany, 73:15-19.
72.G.R.Rout, S. Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Root induction in microshoots of Simarouba glauca L. in vitro: Peroxidase as a marker for rooting. Silvae Genetica, 48(1): 14-17.
72.G.R.Rout, S. Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Root induction in microshoots of Simarouba glauca L. in vitro: Peroxidase as a marker for rooting. Silvae Genetica, 48(1): 14-17.
73. S.K. Palai, G.R.Rout, S.Samantray and P. Das (2000) Studies on metabolic changes during in vitro organogenesis of Zingiber officinale cvs. Suprava, Turia local, Suruchi and V3S18. Jour. Plant Biology, 27 (2):153-160.
73. S.K. Palai, G.R.Rout, S.Samantray and P. Das (2000) Studies on metabolic changes during in vitro organogenesis of Zingiber officinale cvs. Suprava, Turia local, Suruchi and V3S18. Jour. Plant Biology, 27 (2):153-160.
74.C.Saxena, S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P.Das (2000) Effect of auxins on rooting of Plumabago zeylanica L. in vitro: Peroxidase activity as a marker for root induction. Biologia Plantarum,43 (1):121-124.
74.C.Saxena, S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P.Das (2000) Effect of auxins on rooting of Plumabago zeylanica L. in vitro: Peroxidase activity as a marker for root induction. Biologia Plantarum,43 (1):121-124.
75. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) In vitro rooting of Psoralea corylifolia Linn: Peroxidase activity as a marker. Plant Growth Regulation, 30:215-219.
75. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) In vitro rooting of Psoralea corylifolia Linn: Peroxidase activity as a marker. Plant Growth Regulation, 30:215-219.
76. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Differential cadmium tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Sec.B, Soil and Plant Science, 49:234-241
76. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (1999) Differential cadmium tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Sec.B, Soil and Plant Science, 49:234-241
77.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from callus cultures of Cephaelis ipecacuanha. A. Richard. Scientia Horticulturae, 86: 71-79.
77.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from callus cultures of Cephaelis ipecacuanha. A. Richard. Scientia Horticulturae, 86: 71-79.
78.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) Effects of Cr and Ni in tolerant and non-tolerant populations of E. Colona (L.) Link. Chemosphere, 40:855-859
78.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2000) Effects of Cr and Ni in tolerant and non-tolerant populations of E. Colona (L.) Link. Chemosphere, 40:855-859
80. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Somatic embryogenesis in Cephaelis ipecacu-anha A.Richard: Effect of growth regulators and culture condition. J. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 8 (1): 59-67.
80. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Somatic embryogenesis in Cephaelis ipecacu-anha A.Richard: Effect of growth regulators and culture condition. J. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 8 (1): 59-67.
81. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (2001) Augmenting in vitro shoot multiplication by growth regulators and light condition in Musa acuminata cv. Dwarf Cavendish. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica,43 : 15-21.
81. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (2001) Augmenting in vitro shoot multiplication by growth regulators and light condition in Musa acuminata cv. Dwarf Cavendish. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica,43 : 15-21.
82.G.R.Rout, G.Das, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) In vitro micropropagation of Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae). Int. Jour. Tropical Biology and Conservation, 49 (3): 883-889. Costa Rica
82.G.R.Rout, G.Das, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) In vitro micropropagation of Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae). Int. Jour. Tropical Biology and Conservation, 49 (3): 883-889. Costa Rica
83.G.R.Rout, G. Das, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Micropropagation of Plumbago zerylanica L. by encapsulated nodal explants. J. Hort. Science and Biotechnology, 76 (1): 24-29.
83.G.R.Rout, G. Das, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Micropropagation of Plumbago zerylanica L. by encapsulated nodal explants. J. Hort. Science and Biotechnology, 76 (1): 24-29.
84. V.Sarasan, A.V.Roberts and G.R.Rout (2001) Methyl–laurate and 6-benzyladenine promote germination of somatic embryos of a hybrid rose. Plant Cell Reports, 20:183-186,
84. V.Sarasan, A.V.Roberts and G.R.Rout (2001) Methyl–laurate and 6-benzyladenine promote germination of somatic embryos of a hybrid rose. Plant Cell Reports, 20:183-186,
85.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (2001) Studies of differential lead tolerance of rice and black gram genotypes in hydroponic culture. Rostlinna Vyroba,47:541-548
85.G.R. Rout, S.Samantaray and P.Das (2001) Studies of differential lead tolerance of rice and black gram genotypes in hydroponic culture. Rostlinna Vyroba,47:541-548
86. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2001) Induction, Selection and Characterization of Cr and Ni-tolerant cell lines of Echinochloa colona (L.) Link in vitro. Jour. Plant Physiology, 158: 1281-1290.
86. S.Samantaray, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2001) Induction, Selection and Characterization of Cr and Ni-tolerant cell lines of Echinochloa colona (L.) Link in vitro. Jour. Plant Physiology, 158: 1281-1290.
87. G.R.Rout, S.K. Palai and P. Das (2001) Onset of In Vitro Rhizogenesis Response and Peroxidase Activity in Zingiber officinale Rosc. International Jour. Tropical Biology and Conservation, 49 (3):891-896
87. G.R.Rout, S.K. Palai and P. Das (2001) Onset of In Vitro Rhizogenesis Response and Peroxidase Activity in Zingiber officinale Rosc. International Jour. Tropical Biology and Conservation, 49 (3):891-896
88. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2001) Heavy metal and nutrient concentration in soil and plants growing on a metalliferous chromite mine spoil. Environmental Technology , 22: 1147-1154
88. S.Samantaray, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2001) Heavy metal and nutrient concentration in soil and plants growing on a metalliferous chromite mine spoil. Environmental Technology , 22: 1147-1154
89.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Somatic embryogenesis in Cephaelis ipecacuanha A.Richard: Effect of growth regulators and culture condition. J. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 8: 59-67,
89.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Somatic embryogenesis in Cephaelis ipecacuanha A.Richard: Effect of growth regulators and culture condition. J. Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 8: 59-67,
90.G.R.Rout and P.Das (2001) Studies on In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Psoralea corylifolia Linn.-An endangered medicinal plant. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 66 (4):202-206.
90.G.R.Rout and P.Das (2001) Studies on In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Psoralea corylifolia Linn.-An endangered medicinal plant. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 66 (4):202-206.
91.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Studies on differential manganese tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture. Agronomie, 21:725-733.
91.G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2001) Studies on differential manganese tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture. Agronomie, 21:725-733.
92. G.R.Rout and G.Das (2001) An assessment of genetic integrity of micropropagated plants of Plumbago zeylanica by RAPD markers. Biologia Plantarum , 44 : 27-32
92. G.R.Rout and G.Das (2001) An assessment of genetic integrity of micropropagated plants of Plumbago zeylanica by RAPD markers. Biologia Plantarum , 44 : 27-32
93. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, S.K. Pallai and P.Das (2001) Effect of growth regulator and culture conditions on shoot multiplication and rhizome formation in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in vitro. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant, 37(6):814-819,
93. G.R.Rout, S.Samantaray, S.K. Pallai and P.Das (2001) Effect of growth regulator and culture conditions on shoot multiplication and rhizome formation in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in vitro. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant, 37(6):814-819,
94. G. Das, R. M. Nanda and G.R. Rout (2001) Rapid in vitro clonal propagation of Plumbago rosea L., a potential medicinal plant. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology,2 (3 &4): 105-112.
94. G. Das, R. M. Nanda and G.R. Rout (2001) Rapid in vitro clonal propagation of Plumbago rosea L., a potential medicinal plant. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology,2 (3 &4): 105-112.
95.G.Das, R. M. Nanda and G.R.Rout (2001) Rapid in vitro clonal propagation of Plumbago
95.G.Das, R. M. Nanda and G.R.Rout (2001) Rapid in vitro clonal propagation of Plumbago
rosea L., a potential medicinal plants. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology,2 (3 &4):
rosea L., a potential medicinal plants. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology,2 (3 &4):
96.G.R.Rout, G.M.Reddy and P. Das (2001) Studies on in vitro clonal propagation of Paulownia tomentosa Steud. and evaluation of genetic fidelity through RAPD marker. Silvae Genetica, 50 (5-6):208-212
96.G.R.Rout, G.M.Reddy and P. Das (2001) Studies on in vitro clonal propagation of Paulownia tomentosa Steud. and evaluation of genetic fidelity through RAPD marker. Silvae Genetica, 50 (5-6):208-212
97.G.Das and G.R.Rout (2002) Direct plant regeneration from leaf explants of Plumbago species. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 68 (3): 311-314.
97.G.Das and G.R.Rout (2002) Direct plant regeneration from leaf explants of Plumbago species. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 68 (3): 311-314.
98. A.Jain, G.R.Rout and S.N.Raina (2002) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regene-ration from callus cultures of Phlox paniculata Linn. Scientia Horticulturae, 94 (1-2): 137-143.
98. A.Jain, G.R.Rout and S.N.Raina (2002) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regene-ration from callus cultures of Phlox paniculata Linn. Scientia Horticulturae, 94 (1-2): 137-143.
99.G.R.Rout, S.Samal, S.Nayak, R.M.Nanda, P.C.Lenka and P. Das (2002) An alternative method of plant DNA extraction of cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) for RAPD analysis. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 67(3):114-118
99.G.R.Rout, S.Samal, S.Nayak, R.M.Nanda, P.C.Lenka and P. Das (2002) An alternative method of plant DNA extraction of cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) for RAPD analysis. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 67(3):114-118
100. G.R.Rout and P. Das (2002) Rapid hydroponic screening for molybdenum tolerance in rice through morphological and biochemical analysis. Rostlinna Vyroba , 48 (11): 505-512.
100. G.R.Rout and P. Das (2002) Rapid hydroponic screening for molybdenum tolerance in rice through morphological and biochemical analysis. Rostlinna Vyroba , 48 (11): 505-512.
101.G.R.Rout (2002) Direct Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Plumbago species and its genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Annals of Applied Biology,140:305-313.
101.G.R.Rout (2002) Direct Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Plumbago species and its genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Annals of Applied Biology,140:305-313.
102. G.R.Rout, S.K. Palai, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2002) Effect of growth regulators and culture conditions on shoot multiplication and rhizome formation in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant, 37 (6):814- 819.
102. G.R.Rout, S.K. Palai, S.Samantaray and P. Das (2002) Effect of growth regulators and culture conditions on shoot multiplication and rhizome formation in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant, 37 (6):814- 819.
103. G.Das and G.R.Rout (2003) Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in leaf derived callus of Plumbago rosea Linn. Biologia Plantarum, 45 (2): 299-302
103. G.Das and G.R.Rout (2003) Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in leaf derived callus of Plumbago rosea Linn. Biologia Plantarum, 45 (2): 299-302
104. S. Samal, G.R. Rout, and P. Das (2003) Analysis of genetic relationships between populations of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) by using morphological characterization and RAPD markers. Plant Soil Environment, 49 (4):176-182.
104. S. Samal, G.R. Rout, and P. Das (2003) Analysis of genetic relationships between populations of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) by using morphological characterization and RAPD markers. Plant Soil Environment, 49 (4):176-182.
105. S.Nayak, P. Das and G.R.Rout (2003) Evaluation of the genetic variability in Bamboo using RAPD markers. Plant Soil, Environment, 49 (1): 24-28.
105. S.Nayak, P. Das and G.R.Rout (2003) Evaluation of the genetic variability in Bamboo using RAPD markers. Plant Soil, Environment, 49 (1): 24-28.
106.G.R.Rout, D.Bhatacharya, R.M.Nanda, S.Nayak and P.Das ( 2003) Evaluation of genetic relationships in Dalbergia species using RAPD markers. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12: 197-206.
106.G.R.Rout, D.Bhatacharya, R.M.Nanda, S.Nayak and P.Das ( 2003) Evaluation of genetic relationships in Dalbergia species using RAPD markers. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12: 197-206.
107. G.R.Rout (2003) Direct Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Plumbago species and its genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Annals of Applied Biology, 140:305-313
107. G.R.Rout (2003) Direct Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Plumbago species and its genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Annals of Applied Biology, 140:305-313
108.R.M. Nanda and G.R.Rout (2003) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Acacia arabica. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 73(2):131-135
108.R.M. Nanda and G.R.Rout (2003) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Acacia arabica. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 73(2):131-135
109. R.M. Nanda, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2003) Studies on biochemical markers for the embryo-genic potential of Acacia catechu Willd. Biologia, 58: 69-76.
109. R.M. Nanda, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2003) Studies on biochemical markers for the embryo-genic potential of Acacia catechu Willd. Biologia, 58: 69-76.
110.S.Samal, G.R. Rout, S.Nayak, R.M.Nanda, P.C.Lenka and P.Das (2003) Primer screening and optimization for RAPD analysis of cashew. Biologia Plantarum, 46:301-304,
110.S.Samal, G.R. Rout, S.Nayak, R.M.Nanda, P.C.Lenka and P.Das (2003) Primer screening and optimization for RAPD analysis of cashew. Biologia Plantarum, 46:301-304,
111. R.M. Nanda, S. Nayak, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2004) Studies on genetic relatedness of Acacia tree species by using RAPD markers. Biologia, 59 (1):115-125.
111. R.M. Nanda, S. Nayak, G.R. Rout and P. Das (2004) Studies on genetic relatedness of Acacia tree species by using RAPD markers. Biologia, 59 (1):115-125.
112. S.Samal, P.C.Lenka, R.M.Nanda, S. Nayak, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2004)Genetic relatedness in cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) germplasm collections as determine by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 51(2):161-166.
112. S.Samal, P.C.Lenka, R.M.Nanda, S. Nayak, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2004)Genetic relatedness in cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) germplasm collections as determine by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 51(2):161-166.
113. R.M.Nanda, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2004) In vitro clonal propagation of Acacia mangium Willd. and its evaluation of genetic fidelity through RAPD marker. Annals of Forest Science , 61:381-386.
113. R.M.Nanda, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2004) In vitro clonal propagation of Acacia mangium Willd. and its evaluation of genetic fidelity through RAPD marker. Annals of Forest Science , 61:381-386.
114.A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2004) Effect of cytokinin and auxin on micropropagation of Geoderum purpureum. Jour. Applied Hort., 6:27-29.
114.A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2004) Effect of cytokinin and auxin on micropropagation of Geoderum purpureum. Jour. Applied Hort., 6:27-29.
115.G.R.Rout (2004) Effect of cytokinins and auxins on micropropagation of Clitoria ternatea Linn. Biol. Lett., 41 (1): 21-26
115.G.R.Rout (2004) Effect of cytokinins and auxins on micropropagation of Clitoria ternatea Linn. Biol. Lett., 41 (1): 21-26
116. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) Study of embryo rescue in Floribunda rose. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,81:113-117
116. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) Study of embryo rescue in Floribunda rose. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,81:113-117
117. S. Nayak and G.R. Rout (2005) Characterization of microsatellites in Bambusa arundinacea and Cross-species amplification in other bamboos. Z. Naturforschung, 60C: 605-610
117. S. Nayak and G.R. Rout (2005) Characterization of microsatellites in Bambusa arundinacea and Cross-species amplification in other bamboos. Z. Naturforschung, 60C: 605-610
118. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) Analysis of Identification and Genetic variation among rose Cultivars Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Z. Naturforschung, 60C: 611-617
118. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) Analysis of Identification and Genetic variation among rose Cultivars Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Z. Naturforschung, 60C: 611-617
119. G.R.Rout (2005) In vitro somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Azadirachta indica A.Juss.- a multipurpose tree. Jour. of Forest Research, 10 (4): 263-267
119. G.R.Rout (2005) In vitro somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures of Azadirachta indica A.Juss.- a multipurpose tree. Jour. of Forest Research, 10 (4): 263-267
120.G.R.Rout (2005) Direct plant Regeneration of curryleaf tree (Murraya koenigii), an aromatic plant. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 41 (2):133-137
120.G.R.Rout (2005) Direct plant Regeneration of curryleaf tree (Murraya koenigii), an aromatic plant. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 41 (2):133-137
121. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) In vitro micropropagation of Geoderum purpureum R.Br. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 4:568-570
121. A.Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2005) In vitro micropropagation of Geoderum purpureum R.Br. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 4:568-570
122. A.Mohapatra, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2005) Rapid clonal propagation and in vitro flowering of some cultivated roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 5 (4): 219-223,
122. A.Mohapatra, G.R.Rout and P. Das (2005) Rapid clonal propagation and in vitro flowering of some cultivated roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 5 (4): 219-223,
123. G.R.Rout (2005) Micropropagation of Clitoria ternatea Linn. (Fabaceae) – An important medicinal plant. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 41 (4) : 516-519.
123. G.R.Rout (2005) Micropropagation of Clitoria ternatea Linn. (Fabaceae) – An important medicinal plant. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 41 (4) : 516-519.
124. S. Nayak and G.R. Rout (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Bambusa arundinacea and cross-species amplification in other bamboos. Plant Breeding, 124:599-602,
124. S. Nayak and G.R. Rout (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Bambusa arundinacea and cross-species amplification in other bamboos. Plant Breeding, 124:599-602,
125.G.R.Rout (2006) Effect of auxins on adventitious root development from single node cuttings of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and associated biochemical changes. Plant Growth Regulation. 48(2):111-117.
125.G.R.Rout (2006) Effect of auxins on adventitious root development from single node cuttings of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and associated biochemical changes. Plant Growth Regulation. 48(2):111-117.
126. G.R.Rout (2006) Evaluation of genetic relationship in Typhonium species (Araceae) through random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Biol. Plantarum, 50 (1):127-130.
126. G.R.Rout (2006) Evaluation of genetic relationship in Typhonium species (Araceae) through random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Biol. Plantarum, 50 (1):127-130.
127. A. Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2006) Optimization of primer screening for evaluation of genetic relationship in rose cultivars. Biol. Plantarum, 50 (2):295-299.
127. A. Mohapatra and G.R.Rout (2006) Optimization of primer screening for evaluation of genetic relationship in rose cultivars. Biol. Plantarum, 50 (2):295-299.
128. S.Barik, S.K.Senapati, S.aparajita, A.Mahapatra and G.R.Rout (2006) Identification and genetic variation among Hibiscus species (Malavaceae) using RAPD markers. Z. Naturforschung, 61C:123-128
128. S.Barik, S.K.Senapati, S.aparajita, A.Mahapatra and G.R.Rout (2006) Identification and genetic variation among Hibiscus species (Malavaceae) using RAPD markers. Z. Naturforschung, 61C:123-128
129.G.R.Rout (2006) Identification of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook F & Thomas using RAPD markers. Z. Naturforschung, 61C:118-122
129.G.R.Rout (2006) Identification of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook F & Thomas using RAPD markers. Z. Naturforschung, 61C:118-122
130. Jiban Jyoti Panda and G.R.Rout (2007) Studies on In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Salt Tolerant Plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. Journal of Plant Biology, 34 (1): 67-74
130. Jiban Jyoti Panda and G.R.Rout (2007) Studies on In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Salt Tolerant Plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. Journal of Plant Biology, 34 (1): 67-74
131. S. Das, R.C.Mishra, G.R.Rout and S. Aparajita (2007) Genetic variability and relationship among thirty finger millet genotypes (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) using RAPD markers. Z. fur Naturforsch, 62C: 116-122
131. S. Das, R.C.Mishra, G.R.Rout and S. Aparajita (2007) Genetic variability and relationship among thirty finger millet genotypes (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) using RAPD markers. Z. fur Naturforsch, 62C: 116-122
132. Salema Valencio Francis, S.K. Senapati and G.R.Rout (2007) Rapid clonal propagation of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., an endangered medicinal plant. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.- Plant, 43:140-143,
132. Salema Valencio Francis, S.K. Senapati and G.R.Rout (2007) Rapid clonal propagation of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., an endangered medicinal plant. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.- Plant, 43:140-143,
133. G.R.Rout and Souvagyalaxmi Sahoo (2007) In Vitro selection and plant regeneration of copper tolerant plants from leaf explant of Nicotiana tabacum L. Var. Xanthi. Plant Breeding, 126:403-409
133. G.R.Rout and Souvagyalaxmi Sahoo (2007) In Vitro selection and plant regeneration of copper tolerant plants from leaf explant of Nicotiana tabacum L. Var. Xanthi. Plant Breeding, 126:403-409
134. G.R.Rout, Mahato, A. and Senapati, S.K. (2007) In Vitro clonal propagation of Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn. – a medicinal tree. Hort. Sci. (Prague) 34 (2): 84- 89.
134. G.R.Rout, Mahato, A. and Senapati, S.K. (2007) In Vitro clonal propagation of Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn. – a medicinal tree. Hort. Sci. (Prague) 34 (2): 84- 89.
135. G.R.Rout, J.Kullu, S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita, and A.Mohapatra (2007) Identification and Genetic relationship among Polyscias and Schefflera (Araliaceae) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Plant Biotechnology,24:519-525
135. G.R.Rout, J.Kullu, S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita, and A.Mohapatra (2007) Identification and Genetic relationship among Polyscias and Schefflera (Araliaceae) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Plant Biotechnology,24:519-525
136. S.K.Palai and G.R.Rout (2007) Identification and genetic variation among eight varieties of ginger by using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Plant Biotechnology, 24 (4): 417-420
136. S.K.Palai and G.R.Rout (2007) Identification and genetic variation among eight varieties of ginger by using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Plant Biotechnology, 24 (4): 417-420
137. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and S.Aparajita (2007) Studies on the genetic relationship among 13 cultivars of Calathea (marantheceae) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Adv. Hort. Sci. 21 (3): 147-155
137. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and S.Aparajita (2007) Studies on the genetic relationship among 13 cultivars of Calathea (marantheceae) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Adv. Hort. Sci. 21 (3): 147-155
138. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and J.J.Panda (2008) Selection of salt tolerant plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. through in vitro and its biochemical characterization. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 59 (1):77-92
138. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and J.J.Panda (2008) Selection of salt tolerant plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. through in vitro and its biochemical characterization. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 59 (1):77-92
139. S.K.Senapati and G.R.Rout (2008) Study of culture conditions for improved micropropagation of hybrid rose. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 35:27-34
139. S.K.Senapati and G.R.Rout (2008) Study of culture conditions for improved micropropagation of hybrid rose. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 35:27-34
140. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and S.Aparajita (2008) Micropropagation of Acacia chundra (Roxb.) DC. Hort. Sci (Prague) , 35:22-26
140. G.R.Rout, S.K.Senapati and S.Aparajita (2008) Micropropagation of Acacia chundra (Roxb.) DC. Hort. Sci (Prague) , 35:22-26
141. S.Aparajita, S.K.Senapati & G.R.Rout (2008) Identification and genetic relationships among nine Albizzia species based on morphological and molecular. Plant Biosystems, 142 (1): 30 – 39.
141. S.Aparajita, S.K.Senapati & G.R.Rout (2008) Identification and genetic relationships among nine Albizzia species based on morphological and molecular. Plant Biosystems, 142 (1): 30 – 39.
142.G.R.Rout, A.Mahato and S.K. Senapati (2008) In vitro clonal propagation of Nyctanthes arbortristis. Biologia Plantarum, 52 (3):521-524
142.G.R.Rout, A.Mahato and S.K. Senapati (2008) In vitro clonal propagation of Nyctanthes arbortristis. Biologia Plantarum, 52 (3):521-524
143.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2008) Evaluation of genetic differentiation of Albizia Lucida
143.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2008) Evaluation of genetic differentiation of Albizia Lucida
populations from Eastern Region of the Indian Sub-continent by ISSR markers. Journal of
populations from Eastern Region of the Indian Sub-continent by ISSR markers. Journal of
Forest Science, 24 (1):27-34.
Forest Science, 24 (1):27-34.
144. S. Das., R.C. Misra., G.R. Rout, S.K.Sinha (2008) Relationship of RAPD banding pattern with yield potential and adaptability of mid-early rice genotypes. Int. Jour. of Integrative Biology, 2(2):109-115
144. S. Das., R.C. Misra., G.R. Rout, S.K.Sinha (2008) Relationship of RAPD banding pattern with yield potential and adaptability of mid-early rice genotypes. Int. Jour. of Integrative Biology, 2(2):109-115
145.S.K.Senapati, A.Mahapatra and G.R.Rout (2008) In vitro mutation in Rosa hybrida cv. Pusa Gaurav and selection through RAPD and ISSR markers. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology, 2 (2):55-59
145.S.K.Senapati, A.Mahapatra and G.R.Rout (2008) In vitro mutation in Rosa hybrida cv. Pusa Gaurav and selection through RAPD and ISSR markers. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology, 2 (2):55-59
146. S.K. Senapati and G.R. Rout (2008) In vitro mutagenesis of rose with ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS) and early selection using RAPD markers. Advance in Horticultural Science, 22 (3):218-222
146. S.K. Senapati and G.R. Rout (2008) In vitro mutagenesis of rose with ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS) and early selection using RAPD markers. Advance in Horticultural Science, 22 (3):218-222
147.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2008) Molecular analysis of genetic structure within and among the populations of Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. Jour Plant Sci. Res., 24 (1):21-27, India
147.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2008) Molecular analysis of genetic structure within and among the populations of Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. Jour Plant Sci. Res., 24 (1):21-27, India
148.S.K.Senapati andG.R.Rout (2008) Mutagenesis of Rose: Early selection through molecular marker. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 65 (4):452-460.
148.S.K.Senapati andG.R.Rout (2008) Mutagenesis of Rose: Early selection through molecular marker. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 65 (4):452-460.
149.K.K.Behera, N.M.Mishra and G.R.Rout (2008) Potential ethnomedicinal plants at Kaptipada Forest Range of Orissa, India and their uses. Jour. Econ. Taxon. Botany, 32 (Suppl.):194-202.
149.K.K.Behera, N.M.Mishra and G.R.Rout (2008) Potential ethnomedicinal plants at Kaptipada Forest Range of Orissa, India and their uses. Jour. Econ. Taxon. Botany, 32 (Suppl.):194-202.
150.S. Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2009) Detection of restriction sites in RAPD markers for differentiating ecotypes of legume tree of Albizia lebbeck. Jour. Plant Science Research, 25 (1): 63-69.
150.S. Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2009) Detection of restriction sites in RAPD markers for differentiating ecotypes of legume tree of Albizia lebbeck. Jour. Plant Science Research, 25 (1): 63-69.
151. G.R. Rout, S.K. Senapati, S.Aparajita, and S.K.Palai (2009) Studies on genetic identification and genetic fidelity of cultivated banana using ISSR markers. Plant Omics, 2(6): 250-258.
151. G.R. Rout, S.K. Senapati, S.Aparajita, and S.K.Palai (2009) Studies on genetic identification and genetic fidelity of cultivated banana using ISSR markers. Plant Omics, 2(6): 250-258.
152.G.R.Rout and S.Aparajita (2009) Genetic relationships among 23 Ficus accessions using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 12 (2):91-96.
152.G.R.Rout and S.Aparajita (2009) Genetic relationships among 23 Ficus accessions using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 12 (2):91-96.
153.S.aparajita and G.R.Rout (2009) The genetic differentialtion of Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. Population estimated by RAPD and ISSR markers. Plant Biosystems, 143(2):361-368.
153.S.aparajita and G.R.Rout (2009) The genetic differentialtion of Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. Population estimated by RAPD and ISSR markers. Plant Biosystems, 143(2):361-368.
154.D.P.Sahoo, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2010) Inter and Intra population variability of Pongamia pinnata-a bioenergy legume tree. Plant Systematic and Evolution, 285:121-125.
154.D.P.Sahoo, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2010) Inter and Intra population variability of Pongamia pinnata-a bioenergy legume tree. Plant Systematic and Evolution, 285:121-125.
155.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2010) Molecular analysis of Albizia species using AFLP markers for conservation strategies. Journal of Genetics, 89:95-99.
155.S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2010) Molecular analysis of Albizia species using AFLP markers for conservation strategies. Journal of Genetics, 89:95-99.
156.S. K. Senapati and G. R. Rout (2011) In vitro mutagenesis in Rosa hybrida using oryzalin as a mutagen and screening of mutants by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(30): 5705-5712.
156.S. K. Senapati and G. R. Rout (2011) In vitro mutagenesis in Rosa hybrida using oryzalin as a mutagen and screening of mutants by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(30): 5705-5712.
157.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajeta & G.R.Rout (2011) Identification of Species-Diagnostic Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Markers for Ten Phyllanthus Species. Z. Naturforsch. 66 C:167 – 172
157.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajeta & G.R.Rout (2011) Identification of Species-Diagnostic Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Markers for Ten Phyllanthus Species. Z. Naturforsch. 66 C:167 – 172
158.G.K. Dash, S.K. Senapati and G.R.Rout (2011) Effect of auxins on adventitious root development from nodal cuttings of Saraca asoka (Roxb.) de Wilde and associated biochemical changes. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 3(10):320-326.
158.G.K. Dash, S.K. Senapati and G.R.Rout (2011) Effect of auxins on adventitious root development from nodal cuttings of Saraca asoka (Roxb.) de Wilde and associated biochemical changes. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 3(10):320-326.
159.S.K.Palai and G.R.Rout (2011) Characterization of new variety of Chrysanthemum by using ISSR Markers. 29: 613-617.
159.S.K.Palai and G.R.Rout (2011) Characterization of new variety of Chrysanthemum by using ISSR Markers. 29: 613-617.
160.D.P.Sahoo, D.Samantrai & G.R,.Rout (2011) Rapid clonal propagation of Saccharum officinarum L. Vars. CO-6907 and CO-86249 and to assess the genetic uniformity through molecular markers. Plant Biosystems, 145: 445–451.
160.D.P.Sahoo, D.Samantrai & G.R,.Rout (2011) Rapid clonal propagation of Saccharum officinarum L. Vars. CO-6907 and CO-86249 and to assess the genetic uniformity through molecular markers. Plant Biosystems, 145: 445–451.
161.M. Rabha and G.R.Rout (2011) An Alternative pathway for plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of upland rice rice (Oryza sativa Cvs. Khandagiri and Vanaprava). Jour. Cell and Tissue Research, 11(2) 2809-2814.
161.M. Rabha and G.R.Rout (2011) An Alternative pathway for plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of upland rice rice (Oryza sativa Cvs. Khandagiri and Vanaprava). Jour. Cell and Tissue Research, 11(2) 2809-2814.
162.S. K.Senapati, G.K. Das, S. Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2012) Assessment of genetic variability in the Asoka Tree of India. Biodiversity, 13 (1):16-23.
162.S. K.Senapati, G.K. Das, S. Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2012) Assessment of genetic variability in the Asoka Tree of India. Biodiversity, 13 (1):16-23.
163.S.S.Kshirsagar, K.C.Samal and G.R.Rout (2012) Genetic diversity associated with agronomic traits using SSR markers in Indica rice landraces. Jour. Plant Science Research, 28 (1):27-36.
163.S.S.Kshirsagar, K.C.Samal and G.R.Rout (2012) Genetic diversity associated with agronomic traits using SSR markers in Indica rice landraces. Jour. Plant Science Research, 28 (1):27-36.
164.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2012) An assessment of genetic fidelity of in vitro grown plantlets of rose (Rosa hybrida) through molecular markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(100):16532-16538.
164.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2012) An assessment of genetic fidelity of in vitro grown plantlets of rose (Rosa hybrida) through molecular markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(100):16532-16538.
165.A.Ray, A.Pattanaik, K.C.Samal, S.S.Kshirsagar and G.R.Rout (2012) Variety diagnostic PCR-RAPD markers for aromatic rice varieties grown in Eastern Part, 28 (1) 91-100.
165.A.Ray, A.Pattanaik, K.C.Samal, S.S.Kshirsagar and G.R.Rout (2012) Variety diagnostic PCR-RAPD markers for aromatic rice varieties grown in Eastern Part, 28 (1) 91-100.
166. Netravati Meti, K.C.Samal, D.N.Bastia and G.R.Rout (2013) Genetic diversity analysis in aromatic rice genotypes using microsatellite-based simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker. African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(27): 4238-4250.
166. Netravati Meti, K.C.Samal, D.N.Bastia and G.R.Rout (2013) Genetic diversity analysis in aromatic rice genotypes using microsatellite-based simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker. African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(27): 4238-4250.
167.Dipti Gawai, G. Das and G. R. Rout (2013) Phytochemical screening and comparative analysis of antimicrobial activity of root and leaf extracts of Tinospora coridifolia, Phyllanthus niruri and Abrus precatorious, important medicinal plants. Jour. Medicinal Plants Research, 7 (29):2208-2213.
167.Dipti Gawai, G. Das and G. R. Rout (2013) Phytochemical screening and comparative analysis of antimicrobial activity of root and leaf extracts of Tinospora coridifolia, Phyllanthus niruri and Abrus precatorious, important medicinal plants. Jour. Medicinal Plants Research, 7 (29):2208-2213.
168.Sushil P. Shirsat and G.R. Rout (2013) An efficient protocol on plant regeneration of upland indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) Var. Ghanteshwari and Siddhanta. Agric. Sci. Digest., 33: 211 – 214.
168.Sushil P. Shirsat and G.R. Rout (2013) An efficient protocol on plant regeneration of upland indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) Var. Ghanteshwari and Siddhanta. Agric. Sci. Digest., 33: 211 – 214.
169.Thorat S. Bansi and G.R.Rout (2013) Plant regeneration protocol of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) - an important medicinal plant. African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (39): 5738-5742.
169.Thorat S. Bansi and G.R.Rout (2013) Plant regeneration protocol of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) - an important medicinal plant. African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (39): 5738-5742.
170.S.R.Mallick, D. Gautam and G.R.Rout (2013) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of high yielding rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(42): 6113-6118.
170.S.R.Mallick, D. Gautam and G.R.Rout (2013) In vitro somatic embryogenesis of high yielding rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(42): 6113-6118.
171.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2013) Micropropagation and assessment of genetic stability in Celastrus paniculatus: an endangered medicinal plant. Biologia,68:627-632.
171.S.K.Senapati, S.Aparajita and G.R.Rout (2013) Micropropagation and assessment of genetic stability in Celastrus paniculatus: an endangered medicinal plant. Biologia,68:627-632.
172.S.Sahoo and G. R. Rout (2014) Effect of growth regulators on in vitro propagation of Aloe barbadensis Mill L. and assessment of genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Jour. of Cell and Tissue Research, 14:4123-4130.
172.S.Sahoo and G. R. Rout (2014) Effect of growth regulators on in vitro propagation of Aloe barbadensis Mill L. and assessment of genetic fidelity through RAPD markers. Jour. of Cell and Tissue Research, 14:4123-4130.
173.S. S.Kshirsagar, Mihir Rabha, K.C.Samal, D.N.Bastia and G.R.Rout (2014) Identification of Variety Diagnostic Molecular Marker of High Yielding Rice Varieties. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 84 (2):389-396.
173.S. S.Kshirsagar, Mihir Rabha, K.C.Samal, D.N.Bastia and G.R.Rout (2014) Identification of Variety Diagnostic Molecular Marker of High Yielding Rice Varieties. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 84 (2):389-396.
174.S. Sahoo and Gyana Ranjan Rout (2014) Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Aloe barbadensis Mill. and genetic fidelity assessment through DNA markers. Physiol Mol. Biol. Plants., 20(2):235–240.
174.S. Sahoo and Gyana Ranjan Rout (2014) Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Aloe barbadensis Mill. and genetic fidelity assessment through DNA markers. Physiol Mol. Biol. Plants., 20(2):235–240.
175.P.M.Adlinge, R. V. Kumara Swamy, K. C. Samal and G. R. Rout (2014) Rapid In Vitro Plant Regeneration of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) Var. Sarala, an Important Legume Crop. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. , 84(3):823–827.
175.P.M.Adlinge, R. V. Kumara Swamy, K. C. Samal and G. R. Rout (2014) Rapid In Vitro Plant Regeneration of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) Var. Sarala, an Important Legume Crop. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. , 84(3):823–827.
176.K.C.Samal, G.R.Rout and S.R.Das (2014) Study of genetic divergence of indigenous aromatic rice (O. sativa L.): Potentials and consequences of on-farm management in traditional farming. International Journal of Agril. Sci., 4(4):176-189.
176.K.C.Samal, G.R.Rout and S.R.Das (2014) Study of genetic divergence of indigenous aromatic rice (O. sativa L.): Potentials and consequences of on-farm management in traditional farming. International Journal of Agril. Sci., 4(4):176-189.
177.L.P.Sahoo, S.K.Mohanty and G.R.Rout (2014) Profiling of 18 cultivars of Capsicum annum L. using morphological and molecular markers. Acta Advances in Agricultural Sciences, 2 (8): 8-17
177.L.P.Sahoo, S.K.Mohanty and G.R.Rout (2014) Profiling of 18 cultivars of Capsicum annum L. using morphological and molecular markers. Acta Advances in Agricultural Sciences, 2 (8): 8-17
178.A.K.Sahoo, K.B.Mohapatra,, B.B.Behera, K.R. Jadhao and G.R. Rout (2014) Phylogenetic Analysis of High Yielding Strain of Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) by Using ISSR Markers. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 21 (8): 1197-1202.
178.A.K.Sahoo, K.B.Mohapatra,, B.B.Behera, K.R. Jadhao and G.R. Rout (2014) Phylogenetic Analysis of High Yielding Strain of Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) by Using ISSR Markers. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 21 (8): 1197-1202.
179.K.R.Jadhao, K.C.Samal, S.K.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2014) Studies on Molecular Characterization of DREB Gene in Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Hereditary Genetics, 3: 133.
179.K.R.Jadhao, K.C.Samal, S.K.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2014) Studies on Molecular Characterization of DREB Gene in Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Hereditary Genetics, 3: 133.
180.K.C.Samal. Netravati Meti, D.N.Bastia & G.R.Rout (2014) Genetic diversity analysis of traditional aromatic rice using molecular markers. BMR Biotechnology, 1 (2): 1-14
180.K.C.Samal. Netravati Meti, D.N.Bastia & G.R.Rout (2014) Genetic diversity analysis of traditional aromatic rice using molecular markers. BMR Biotechnology, 1 (2): 1-14
181.Sushri Sangita Bal, G.R.Rout, B.B.Behera (2014) Molecular, Biochemical and Pathogenicity Analysis of Fusarium fujikuroi Isolates Collected From Bakanae Disease of Indica Rice. Int. Jour. of Tropical Agriculture, 32 (3-4):707-714.
181.Sushri Sangita Bal, G.R.Rout, B.B.Behera (2014) Molecular, Biochemical and Pathogenicity Analysis of Fusarium fujikuroi Isolates Collected From Bakanae Disease of Indica Rice. Int. Jour. of Tropical Agriculture, 32 (3-4):707-714.
182.Sachin S. Kharade, K. C. Samal, Gyanalok Das and G.R. Rout (2014) In vitro studies of Curcuma longa L. and assessment of genetic uniformity through chemo and DNA profiling. The Journal of Plant Sciences, 30 (2):213-219.
182.Sachin S. Kharade, K. C. Samal, Gyanalok Das and G.R. Rout (2014) In vitro studies of Curcuma longa L. and assessment of genetic uniformity through chemo and DNA profiling. The Journal of Plant Sciences, 30 (2):213-219.
183.Subhashree Nayak, J.K.Rajpalsingh, D.K.Bastia, K.C.Samal & G.R.Rout (2014) Assessment of seventy three rice germplasm using Simple Sequence Repeats markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 17 (4): 297-304.
183.Subhashree Nayak, J.K.Rajpalsingh, D.K.Bastia, K.C.Samal & G.R.Rout (2014) Assessment of seventy three rice germplasm using Simple Sequence Repeats markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 17 (4): 297-304.
184.G.R.Rout, S.Sahoo, A.B.Das and S.R.Das (2014) Screening of iron toxicity in rice genotypes on the basis of morphoplogical, physiological and Biochemical Analysis. Jour. Exp. Biology and Agricul. Sciences, 2 (6):567-582.
184.G.R.Rout, S.Sahoo, A.B.Das and S.R.Das (2014) Screening of iron toxicity in rice genotypes on the basis of morphoplogical, physiological and Biochemical Analysis. Jour. Exp. Biology and Agricul. Sciences, 2 (6):567-582.
185.R.Dasmohapatra, S.Rath, B.D.Pradhan and G.R.Rout (2014) Molecular and agromorphological assessment of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) genotypes of India. Jour. of Applied Horticulture, 16 (3):215-221.
185.R.Dasmohapatra, S.Rath, B.D.Pradhan and G.R.Rout (2014) Molecular and agromorphological assessment of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) genotypes of India. Jour. of Applied Horticulture, 16 (3):215-221.
186.Ravindra Donde, K. C. Samal and G. R. Rout (2014) Studies on Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) for drought tolerance using Dreb 1 gene. Int. Jour. Agricultural Sciences. 4 (12): 341-350.
186.Ravindra Donde, K. C. Samal and G. R. Rout (2014) Studies on Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) for drought tolerance using Dreb 1 gene. Int. Jour. Agricultural Sciences. 4 (12): 341-350.
187.G.R.Rout, K.R.Jadhao, D.Swain and P.C.Panda (2014) Distribution and DNA profiling of Cycas beddomei Dyer.:A Critical endangered gymnosperm. Agricultura, 3:88-96.
187.G.R.Rout, K.R.Jadhao, D.Swain and P.C.Panda (2014) Distribution and DNA profiling of Cycas beddomei Dyer.:A Critical endangered gymnosperm. Agricultura, 3:88-96.
188.S.K.Tripathy, S.S.Sardar, S.Dash, S.Pal, T.Acharya, B.Ray Mohapatra, A.B.Das and G.R. Rout (2015) RAPD markers for genetic characterization in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Legume Research, 38 (3): 279-288.
188.S.K.Tripathy, S.S.Sardar, S.Dash, S.Pal, T.Acharya, B.Ray Mohapatra, A.B.Das and G.R. Rout (2015) RAPD markers for genetic characterization in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Legume Research, 38 (3): 279-288.
189.Swatilekha Mohanta, P. K. Swain, P. Sial and G.R.Rout (2015) Morphological and Molecular screening of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cultivars for resistance against parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, 6 (5): 270 – 278.
189.Swatilekha Mohanta, P. K. Swain, P. Sial and G.R.Rout (2015) Morphological and Molecular screening of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cultivars for resistance against parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, 6 (5): 270 – 278.
190.A.Priyadarsini, S.Sahoo and G.R.Rout (2015) Study of in vitro selection and plant regeneration of Indica rice tolerant to iron. Int. Jour. of Agriculture, Environ and Biotechnology, 8(2): 285-293.
190.A.Priyadarsini, S.Sahoo and G.R.Rout (2015) Study of in vitro selection and plant regeneration of Indica rice tolerant to iron. Int. Jour. of Agriculture, Environ and Biotechnology, 8(2): 285-293.
191.Rahul G. Patil, Kundansingh R.Jadhao, Kailash C.Samal, Gyana R. Rout (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Indian indigenous aromatic rice based on sequence diversity of the chloroplast-encoded matK gene. Rice Genomics and Genetics, 6 (8):1-8.
191.Rahul G. Patil, Kundansingh R.Jadhao, Kailash C.Samal, Gyana R. Rout (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Indian indigenous aromatic rice based on sequence diversity of the chloroplast-encoded matK gene. Rice Genomics and Genetics, 6 (8):1-8.
192.Suvalaxmi Palei, A. K. Das and G.R.Rout (2015) In vitro Studies of Strawberry - An Important Fruit Crop: A Review. The Jour Pl Sci Res 31 (2) 115-131.
192.Suvalaxmi Palei, A. K. Das and G.R.Rout (2015) In vitro Studies of Strawberry - An Important Fruit Crop: A Review. The Jour Pl Sci Res 31 (2) 115-131.
193.N.A.Munde, K. R. Jadhao, K. C. Samal, S. K. Pradhan & G. R. Rout. (2016) Allele mining in Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) for ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene family for aluminium tolerance. Indian Jour. Plant Physiol.,21 (2): 161-170.
193.N.A.Munde, K. R. Jadhao, K. C. Samal, S. K. Pradhan & G. R. Rout. (2016) Allele mining in Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) for ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene family for aluminium tolerance. Indian Jour. Plant Physiol.,21 (2): 161-170.
194.S. Swain, S. Das, P.S. Munsi, P.C.Lenka, G.R.Rout and D.Swain (2016) Molecular diversity study on dessert banana genotypes (Musa spp.) from Odisha using ISSR markers. Int. Jour. Agricul. Environ. Biotech., 9 (4): 513-523.
194.S. Swain, S. Das, P.S. Munsi, P.C.Lenka, G.R.Rout and D.Swain (2016) Molecular diversity study on dessert banana genotypes (Musa spp.) from Odisha using ISSR markers. Int. Jour. Agricul. Environ. Biotech., 9 (4): 513-523.
195.D. Swain, S. Lenka, T. Hota, G.R.Rout (2016) Micro-propagation of Hypericum gaitii Haines, an endangered medicinal plants : assessment of genetic fidelity. Nucleus 59(1):7–13.
195.D. Swain, S. Lenka, T. Hota, G.R.Rout (2016) Micro-propagation of Hypericum gaitii Haines, an endangered medicinal plants : assessment of genetic fidelity. Nucleus 59(1):7–13.
196.S. Seth, S. C. Rath, G. R. Rout and J. Panigrahi (2016) Somatic embryogenesis in Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet and assessment of genetic homogeneity using SCoT markers. Plant Biosystems, http:/ .
196.S. Seth, S. C. Rath, G. R. Rout and J. Panigrahi (2016) Somatic embryogenesis in Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet and assessment of genetic homogeneity using SCoT markers. Plant Biosystems, http:/ .
197.G.R. Rout, K. Singh, T. Hota, J. Panigrahi and G. Das (2016) Recent progress in biotechnological interventions in Piper species: a review. Applied Biological Research 18 (2): 93-105
197.G.R. Rout, K. Singh, T. Hota, J. Panigrahi and G. Das (2016) Recent progress in biotechnological interventions in Piper species: a review. Applied Biological Research 18 (2): 93-105
198.H. Alavilli, J.P.Awasthi, G.R.Rout, L. Sahoo, B. Lee and S. K. Panda (2016) Overexpression of a barley aquaporin gene, HvPIP2;5 Confers Salt and Osmotic Stress Tolerance in yeast and plants. Front. Plant Sci., 7:1566. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01566.
198.H. Alavilli, J.P.Awasthi, G.R.Rout, L. Sahoo, B. Lee and S. K. Panda (2016) Overexpression of a barley aquaporin gene, HvPIP2;5 Confers Salt and Osmotic Stress Tolerance in yeast and plants. Front. Plant Sci., 7:1566. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01566.
199.G. R. Rout and D. Swain (2016) HPTLC fingerprint profile and FTIR analysis of hypericin from Hypericum gaitii Haines. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2016; 4(6): 274-278.
199.G. R. Rout and D. Swain (2016) HPTLC fingerprint profile and FTIR analysis of hypericin from Hypericum gaitii Haines. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2016; 4(6): 274-278.
200.T.Hota, C.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2016) Agromorphological and Molecular Characterization of Sesamum indicum L.An Oil Seed Crop. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7:2399-2411.
200.T.Hota, C.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2016) Agromorphological and Molecular Characterization of Sesamum indicum L.An Oil Seed Crop. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7:2399-2411.
201. S.Swain, S.Das, P.S.Munsi, P.C.Lenka, G.R.Rout and D.Swain (2016) Molecular diversity study on desert banana genotypes (Musa spp.) from Odisha using ISSR markers. Int. Jour. Agril. , Environ, and Biotechnology, 9:415-418
201. S.Swain, S.Das, P.S.Munsi, P.C.Lenka, G.R.Rout and D.Swain (2016) Molecular diversity study on desert banana genotypes (Musa spp.) from Odisha using ISSR markers. Int. Jour. Agril. , Environ, and Biotechnology, 9:415-418
202. T.Hota, C.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2016) Physiological and biochemical characterization of Sesamum germplasms tolerant to NaCl. Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 4 (05):014-025.
202. T.Hota, C.Pradhan, G.R.Rout (2016) Physiological and biochemical characterization of Sesamum germplasms tolerant to NaCl. Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 4 (05):014-025.
203. K.Singh, G.Das, K.R.Jadhao, and G.R.Rout (2016) Molecular diversity and phytochemical characterization of Piper species. Jour. Applied Hortic.,18:187-194.
203. K.Singh, G.Das, K.R.Jadhao, and G.R.Rout (2016) Molecular diversity and phytochemical characterization of Piper species. Jour. Applied Hortic.,18:187-194.
204.S.S.Kharade, K.C Samal and G R. Rout (2017) High Performance Thin Layer Fingerprint Profile of Rhizome Extracts of Five Important Curcuma Species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 87:1335-1341
204.S.S.Kharade, K.C Samal and G R. Rout (2017) High Performance Thin Layer Fingerprint Profile of Rhizome Extracts of Five Important Curcuma Species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 87:1335-1341
205.K. R. Jadhao, J. Maharana, K C. Samal, S K Pradhan and G R Rout (2017) Structural investigation of Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) DREB1AP2 domain in response to GCC-BOX DNA: an insight from molecular dynamics. Ind. Jour. Biochemistry & Biophysics, 54: (1&2):47-56.
205.K. R. Jadhao, J. Maharana, K C. Samal, S K Pradhan and G R Rout (2017) Structural investigation of Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) DREB1AP2 domain in response to GCC-BOX DNA: an insight from molecular dynamics. Ind. Jour. Biochemistry & Biophysics, 54: (1&2):47-56.
206.C. R. Deb, G. R. Rout, A. A. Mao, S. K. Nandi, R. K. Nilasana Singha, D. Vijayan, T. Langhu, Z. P. Kikon, S. Pradhan, Mohd Tariq and D. Swain (2018) In vitro propagation of some threatened plant species of India. Current Science, 114 (3): 568-575.
206.C. R. Deb, G. R. Rout, A. A. Mao, S. K. Nandi, R. K. Nilasana Singha, D. Vijayan, T. Langhu, Z. P. Kikon, S. Pradhan, Mohd Tariq and D. Swain (2018) In vitro propagation of some threatened plant species of India. Current Science, 114 (3): 568-575.
207. N.K.Chrungoo, G.R.Rout, S.P.Balasubramani, P.E. Rajasekharan,K. Haridasan, B. R. P. Rao, R. Manjunath, G. Nagduwar,P. Venkatasubramanian, A. Nongbet, M. Hynniewta, D. Swain,S. Salamma, K. Souravi, S. N. Jena and S. K. Barik (2018) Establishing taxonomic identity and selecting genetically diverse populations for conservation of threatened plants using molecular markers. Current Science, 114 (3): 539-553.
207. N.K.Chrungoo, G.R.Rout, S.P.Balasubramani, P.E. Rajasekharan,K. Haridasan, B. R. P. Rao, R. Manjunath, G. Nagduwar,P. Venkatasubramanian, A. Nongbet, M. Hynniewta, D. Swain,S. Salamma, K. Souravi, S. N. Jena and S. K. Barik (2018) Establishing taxonomic identity and selecting genetically diverse populations for conservation of threatened plants using molecular markers. Current Science, 114 (3): 539-553.
208. S.Palai, G.R.Rout, A.K.Das and D.K.Dash (2017) Callus induction and indirect regeneration of strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) Duch. Cv. Chandler. Int Jour. Current Microbiol. Appli. Sci., 6 (11): 1311-1318.
208. S.Palai, G.R.Rout, A.K.Das and D.K.Dash (2017) Callus induction and indirect regeneration of strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) Duch. Cv. Chandler. Int Jour. Current Microbiol. Appli. Sci., 6 (11): 1311-1318.
209. Arundhati Das, K.C. Samal, A.B. Das and G.R.Rout (2018) Quantification, antibacterial Assay and cytotoxic Effect of Combretastatin, an Anticancer Compound from three Indian Combretatum species. Int. Jour. Curr. Microbiol. Appl.Sci. 7(01): 687-699.
209. Arundhati Das, K.C. Samal, A.B. Das and G.R.Rout (2018) Quantification, antibacterial Assay and cytotoxic Effect of Combretastatin, an Anticancer Compound from three Indian Combretatum species. Int. Jour. Curr. Microbiol. Appl.Sci. 7(01): 687-699.
210.Palei Suvalaxmi, Rout Gyana Ranjan and Dash Dilip Kumar (2019) Molecular and morphological assessment of Papaya (Carica papaya). Research Journal of Biotechnology,14 (1): 63-70.
210.Palei Suvalaxmi, Rout Gyana Ranjan and Dash Dilip Kumar (2019) Molecular and morphological assessment of Papaya (Carica papaya). Research Journal of Biotechnology,14 (1): 63-70.
211.K. R. Jadhao & G. R. Rout (2019) A new growth medium for identification and isolation of Pyricularia grisea from finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) Current Science, 116 (12): 555-557.
211.K. R. Jadhao & G. R. Rout (2019) A new growth medium for identification and isolation of Pyricularia grisea from finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) Current Science, 116 (12): 555-557.
212. T.Hota, C.Pradhan & G.R.Rout (2019) Identification of drought tolerant Sesamum genotypes using biochemical markers. Ind. Jour. Experimental Biology, 57:690-699.
212. T.Hota, C.Pradhan & G.R.Rout (2019) Identification of drought tolerant Sesamum genotypes using biochemical markers. Ind. Jour. Experimental Biology, 57:690-699.
213. K. Rajpalsing Jadhao, Anuradha Bansal & Gyana R. Rout* (2020) Silicon amendment induces synergistic plant defense mechanism against pink stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker.) in finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.). Scientific Reports, (2020) 10:4229
213. K. Rajpalsing Jadhao, Anuradha Bansal & Gyana R. Rout* (2020) Silicon amendment induces synergistic plant defense mechanism against pink stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker.) in finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.). Scientific Reports, (2020) 10:4229
214.B.Saha, D.Swain, P. Borgohain, G.R. Rout, Hiroyuki Koyama,S.K.Panda (2020) Enhanced exudation of malate in the rhizosphere due to AtALMT1 overexpression in blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) renders increased aluminium tolerance. Plant Biology , 22 :701–708.
214.B.Saha, D.Swain, P. Borgohain, G.R. Rout, Hiroyuki Koyama,S.K.Panda (2020) Enhanced exudation of malate in the rhizosphere due to AtALMT1 overexpression in blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) renders increased aluminium tolerance. Plant Biology , 22 :701–708.
215.K.R.Jadhao and G.R.Rout (2020) Silicon induced resistance in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) against pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker) through modulation of defense responses. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(1): 152-163.
215.K.R.Jadhao and G.R.Rout (2020) Silicon induced resistance in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) against pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker) through modulation of defense responses. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(1): 152-163.
216.Rinny Swain and G.R.Rout* (2020) Silicon Mediated Alleviation of Salinity stress Regulated by Silicon Transporter Genes (Lsi1 and Lsi2) in Indica Rice.. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Vol.63: e20180513, 2020,
216.Rinny Swain and G.R.Rout* (2020) Silicon Mediated Alleviation of Salinity stress Regulated by Silicon Transporter Genes (Lsi1 and Lsi2) in Indica Rice.. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Vol.63: e20180513, 2020,
217.S.S. Singh, C.Pradhan, D.Swain and Gyana R.Rout* (2020) Factor associated with transient GUS reporter gene expression in transgenic black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper. Var. PU31). Research Journal of Biotechnology, 15 (9):35-42.
217.S.S. Singh, C.Pradhan, D.Swain and Gyana R.Rout* (2020) Factor associated with transient GUS reporter gene expression in transgenic black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper. Var. PU31). Research Journal of Biotechnology, 15 (9):35-42.
218.S.Rani Mallick, K. R. Jadhao and G.R.Rout* (2020) Overexpression of annexin gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for salinity and water stress. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant,
218.S.Rani Mallick, K. R. Jadhao and G.R.Rout* (2020) Overexpression of annexin gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for salinity and water stress. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant,
219.Kundansing Rajpalsing Jadhao and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2020) Silicon (Si) enhances the resistance in finger millet genotypes against blast disease. Journal of Plant Pathology,
219.Kundansing Rajpalsing Jadhao and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2020) Silicon (Si) enhances the resistance in finger millet genotypes against blast disease. Journal of Plant Pathology,
220. R.Swain, S.Panda & G.R.Rout* (2020) Variable Effects of Silicon on Salt Tolerant Indices in Rice Genotypes at Seedling Stage. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39(28): 43-55.
220. R.Swain, S.Panda & G.R.Rout* (2020) Variable Effects of Silicon on Salt Tolerant Indices in Rice Genotypes at Seedling Stage. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39(28): 43-55.
221.L.Behera; K.C. Samal; Pavithra BS; D. Swain; Arjun M Prusti; Gyana R Rout* (2020) Genetic Assessment of Indigenous Landraces of Vigna Mungo L. and its Evaluation for YMV Resistance. Plant Biol Crop Res., 1: 1028-1037.
221.L.Behera; K.C. Samal; Pavithra BS; D. Swain; Arjun M Prusti; Gyana R Rout* (2020) Genetic Assessment of Indigenous Landraces of Vigna Mungo L. and its Evaluation for YMV Resistance. Plant Biol Crop Res., 1: 1028-1037.
222. G.R.Rout*, A. Bansal, D.Swain, K.R.Jadhao, R.G.Shelke and S.K.Panda (2020) Overexpression of ICE1 gene in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) for cold tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture,
222. G.R.Rout*, A. Bansal, D.Swain, K.R.Jadhao, R.G.Shelke and S.K.Panda (2020) Overexpression of ICE1 gene in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) for cold tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture,
223.S. Sucharita Singh, C. Pradhan, D. Swain and G.R. Rout* (2020) Augmenting In Vitro Shoot Multiplication by Growth Regulators and Photoperiod in Vigna mungo L. (Hepper.). Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39 (34),36-45. 2020 /v39i3431035.
223.S. Sucharita Singh, C. Pradhan, D. Swain and G.R. Rout* (2020) Augmenting In Vitro Shoot Multiplication by Growth Regulators and Photoperiod in Vigna mungo L. (Hepper.). Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39 (34),36-45. 2020 /v39i3431035.
224. Lasmi Manasa,Madhusmita Panigrahy, Kishore C. S. Panigrahi and Gyana R.Rout* (2021) Overview of Cold stress regulation in plants. Botanical Review (
224. Lasmi Manasa,Madhusmita Panigrahy, Kishore C. S. Panigrahi and Gyana R.Rout* (2021) Overview of Cold stress regulation in plants. Botanical Review (
225. Mahapatra, S. S., Swain, D., Beura, S. K., & G.R.Rout*, (2022). Identification of mung bean germplasm for resistance against Cercospora canescens and to study the association of biochemical parameters with defense mechanisms. Agronomy Jour., 114:1184-1199. 87.
225. Mahapatra, S. S., Swain, D., Beura, S. K., & G.R.Rout*, (2022). Identification of mung bean germplasm for resistance against Cercospora canescens and to study the association of biochemical parameters with defense mechanisms. Agronomy Jour., 114:1184-1199. 87.
226. S. Lekshmi Manasa , M. Panigrahy, Kishore C. Panigrahi and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2022) Morphological Characterization and Germination-Based Screening for Cold Stress Response of Vigna radiata L. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34 (24):14-27.
226. S. Lekshmi Manasa , M. Panigrahy, Kishore C. Panigrahi and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2022) Morphological Characterization and Germination-Based Screening for Cold Stress Response of Vigna radiata L. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34 (24):14-27.
227. S. Lekshmi Manasa , K.C.Samal and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2022) In-silico Characterization of ICE1 Transcriptional Factor in Cold Signalling Network in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (12): 674-692.
227. S. Lekshmi Manasa , K.C.Samal and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2022) In-silico Characterization of ICE1 Transcriptional Factor in Cold Signalling Network in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (12): 674-692.
228. Gyanendra K. Patra , Divya Gupta , Gyana Ranjan Rout , Sanjib Kumar Panda (2023) Role of long non coding RNA in plants under abiotic and biotic stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 194:96–110.
228. Gyanendra K. Patra , Divya Gupta , Gyana Ranjan Rout , Sanjib Kumar Panda (2023) Role of long non coding RNA in plants under abiotic and biotic stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 194:96–110.
229. Rinny Swain, Smrutishree Sahoo, Mamata Behera and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Instigating prevalent abiotic stress resilience in crop by exogenous application of phytohormones and nutrient. Front. Plant Sci., 14:1104874
229. Rinny Swain, Smrutishree Sahoo, Mamata Behera and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Instigating prevalent abiotic stress resilience in crop by exogenous application of phytohormones and nutrient. Front. Plant Sci., 14:1104874
230.Manasa, L.S.; Panigrahy, M.; Panigrahi, K.C.; Mishra, G.; Panda, S.K.; Gyana Ranjan Rout (2023) Cold Tolerance Mechanisms in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Genotypes during Germination. Agriculture (MDPI), 13:315-325.
230.Manasa, L.S.; Panigrahy, M.; Panigrahi, K.C.; Mishra, G.; Panda, S.K.; Gyana Ranjan Rout (2023) Cold Tolerance Mechanisms in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Genotypes during Germination. Agriculture (MDPI), 13:315-325.
231. S.S.Mahapatra, D.Swain, Gyana .R.Rout* (2023) New Report of Cercospora canescens Isolates from Coastal Regions of Odisha, India causing Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS) disease in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.). Legume Research , 46:1247-1252.
231. S.S.Mahapatra, D.Swain, Gyana .R.Rout* (2023) New Report of Cercospora canescens Isolates from Coastal Regions of Odisha, India causing Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS) disease in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.). Legume Research , 46:1247-1252.
232. Bandita Parida, Dayanidhi Mishra and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Insights into the Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Salvia hispanica L.- A Potential Crop. Biomed Jour Sci & Tech Res. 49:40334-40348
232. Bandita Parida, Dayanidhi Mishra and Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Insights into the Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Salvia hispanica L.- A Potential Crop. Biomed Jour Sci & Tech Res. 49:40334-40348
233. Gyanendra K. Patra, Gobinda K. Acharya, J. Panigrahi, Arup K. Mukherjee, Gyana R. Rout* (2023) The soil‑borne fungal pathogen Athelia rolfsii: past, present, and future concern in legumes. Folia Microbiologica, 68:677–690
233. Gyanendra K. Patra, Gobinda K. Acharya, J. Panigrahi, Arup K. Mukherjee, Gyana R. Rout* (2023) The soil‑borne fungal pathogen Athelia rolfsii: past, present, and future concern in legumes. Folia Microbiologica, 68:677–690
234. Sushree S Mahapatra, Akshaya K Senapati Dhaneswar Swain, Gyana R Rout (2023) Identification and characterisation of Cercospora leaf spot(CLS) resistance in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes through SSR markers. Indian Phytopathology, 76:969–97.
234. Sushree S Mahapatra, Akshaya K Senapati Dhaneswar Swain, Gyana R Rout (2023) Identification and characterisation of Cercospora leaf spot(CLS) resistance in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes through SSR markers. Indian Phytopathology, 76:969–97.
235. Sansuta Mohanty, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Madhumita Dasgupta, Madhusmita Panigrahy, Dhaneswar Swain, Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Regulation of gene expression in plant growth and metabolism: A review. Trends in Horticulture,6 (2):1-13.
235. Sansuta Mohanty, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Madhumita Dasgupta, Madhusmita Panigrahy, Dhaneswar Swain, Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2023) Regulation of gene expression in plant growth and metabolism: A review. Trends in Horticulture,6 (2):1-13.
236. Dhaneswar Swain,Bijaya Kumar Sahoo,Ajaya Pattanaik, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2024) Pharmacological and biotechnological overview of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr.: an underexploited perennial shrub. Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 12(6): 21-28
236. Dhaneswar Swain,Bijaya Kumar Sahoo,Ajaya Pattanaik, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Gyana Ranjan Rout* (2024) Pharmacological and biotechnological overview of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr.: an underexploited perennial shrub. Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 12(6): 21-28
237. Gayatri Mishra, Navneet Yadav, Lekshmi S. Manasa, Durga Prasad Biswal, Gyana Ranjan Rout, Kishore Chandra Panigrahi (2024) Chromium Stress Induced Alterations in Leaf Physiology and Morphology in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Journal of Crop Health, 76 (6)1735-1744.
237. Gayatri Mishra, Navneet Yadav, Lekshmi S. Manasa, Durga Prasad Biswal, Gyana Ranjan Rout, Kishore Chandra Panigrahi (2024) Chromium Stress Induced Alterations in Leaf Physiology and Morphology in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Journal of Crop Health, 76 (6)1735-1744.
238.Gayatri Mishra, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Gyana Ranjan Rout (2024) Plant membrane transporters function under abiotic stresses: a review. Planta, 260:125-155.
238.Gayatri Mishra, Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Gyana Ranjan Rout (2024) Plant membrane transporters function under abiotic stresses: a review. Planta, 260:125-155.
239. Gayatri Mishra, Navneet Yadav , Lekshmi Manasa, Aman Kumar, Alena Patnaik, Madhusmita Panigrahy, Durga Prasad Biswal, Gyana Ranjan Rout, Kishore Chandra Panigrahi (2024) Chromium stress influences several parameters of leaf dynamics and morphology in Oryza sativa L. genotypes.Plant Stress, 12: 100449
239. Gayatri Mishra, Navneet Yadav , Lekshmi Manasa, Aman Kumar, Alena Patnaik, Madhusmita Panigrahy, Durga Prasad Biswal, Gyana Ranjan Rout, Kishore Chandra Panigrahi (2024) Chromium stress influences several parameters of leaf dynamics and morphology in Oryza sativa L. genotypes.Plant Stress, 12: 100449
240.Aman Kumar, Lekshmi S Manasa , Jyotiprabha Kashyap , Gayatri Mishra , Sikha Mandal,Jnanendra Rath, Gyana R Rout Kishore CS Panigrahi, Madhusmita Panigrahy (2024) Carbon nanoparticle exposure strengthens water-relation parameters by stimulating abscisic acid pathway and aquaporins genes in rice. Plant Stress, 13: 100540.
240.Aman Kumar, Lekshmi S Manasa , Jyotiprabha Kashyap , Gayatri Mishra , Sikha Mandal,Jnanendra Rath, Gyana R Rout Kishore CS Panigrahi, Madhusmita Panigrahy (2024) Carbon nanoparticle exposure strengthens water-relation parameters by stimulating abscisic acid pathway and aquaporins genes in rice. Plant Stress, 13: 100540.
241.Rinny Swain, Mamata Behera, Smrutishree Sahoo, Gyana Ranjan Rout (2025) Nanoscience in Plant Stress Mitigation: A Comprehensive Review. BioNanoScience, 15:24-44.
241.Rinny Swain, Mamata Behera, Smrutishree Sahoo, Gyana Ranjan Rout (2025) Nanoscience in Plant Stress Mitigation: A Comprehensive Review. BioNanoScience, 15:24-44.