Project Grant Received
Project 1: Development of protocol for micropropagation of Bambusa vulgaris and Madhuca latifolia..Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi, Tenure:1991-1994, Cost- Rs.18 lakhs.(Co-PI)
Project 2: Setting Up of a unit of micropropagation for scaling up and hardening and establishment of bamboo and other horticultural and floricultural species through tissue culture. Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi, Tenure:1994-1997, (BT/R & D/08/02/93), Cost- Rs.30.31 lakhs.(Co-PI)
Project 3: Studies on re-establishment of self-sustaining vegetation on Ultramafic overburdens around Sukinda regions. Ministry of Forests & Environment, New Delhi, Tenure: 1994-1997, Cost- Rs.8.0 lakhs (Co-PI).
Project 4: Studies on molecular phylogeny of tree legumes. Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi, Tenure:1999-2002, (BT/AB/08/01/2000) Cost- Rs.18.94 lakhs.(Co-PI)
Project 5: Setting up of a regional hardening facility in Orissa. Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi, Tenure:2004-2008 (BT/PR/4459/AGR/16/362/2003), Cost-67.89 lakhs, (Co-PI)
Project 6: Studies on molecular phylogeny of Albizia species. Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi, Tenure:2004-2008, (BT/PR/3750/AGR/16/309/2003) Cost- Rs.12 lakhs.(PI)
Project 7: In vitro mutagenesis of rose: Selection strategies for early selection. Indian Council of Agril. Research, New Delhi. Tenure: 2004 – 2007, (F.No.8 (31)/2003-Hort-II), Cost- Rs. 11.20 lakhs (PI)
Project 8: Development of DNA profile of elite/plus tree of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre and Jatropha curcas L. for identification and comparing with seedling. Department of Forest & Environment. Govt. of Odisha. Tenure:2007-2008, Cost-2.8 lakhs . (PI)
Project 9: Molecular Screening of elite/plus tree of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde from natural population of Similipal biosphere reserves and to establish a gene bank for Ex Situ conservation. National Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), New Delhi. Tenure: 2008-2011, Cost-16.0 lakhs, (PI)
Project 10. Molecular Screening of iron tolerance of rice grown in Odisha. Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Odisha. Tenure:2010-2013, (No. ST-II-SC-7/10), Cost-8.0 lakhs (PI)
Project 11. Preventing Extinction and improving conservation status of the threatened plants through application of biotechnological tools. Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi, Tenure:2012-2017 (BT/EVn/BC/01/2010),Cost- Rs.31.484 lakhs.(PI)
Project 12. FIST Program. Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Tenure: 2015-2018, Cost-51.50 lakhs, (PI)
Project 13. Bhaba Newton International Collaborative Project: An Integrated genomics/genetics approaches for development of mungbean varieties with improved disease resistance. Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi, Tenure: September, 2018 – March,2022,(BT/IN/UK/PORI/04/GRR/18-19) Cost- Rs.78.00 lakhs.(PI & Indian Coordinator)