Practical Manuals
1. I.C.Mohanty, K.C.Samal, and G.R.Rout (2010) Plant Tissue Culture & Basic Molecular Biology Techniques, pp. 1-76.
2. A.Ray, Samal, K.C and G.R.Rout (2012) Molecular Diagnostics of Crop varieties. pp. 1-110.
3. G.R.Rout, A.B.Das,I.C. Mohanty and K.C.Samal (2012) Course Laboratory Manual for UG/PG/Ph.D. pp. 1- 208.
4. K.C.Samal and G.R.Rout (2013) Immunology practical manual for Under Graduate Course. pp. 1-105.
5. I.C.Mohanty and G.R.Rout, (2013) Plant Genetic Engineering Practical Manual for PG /Ph.D. Published by OUAT, pp. 1-107.
6. K.C.Samal, A.Priyadarsini, G.R.Rout, A.B.Das, I.C.Mohanty (2014) Bioinformatics practical Manuals. Pp. 1-148.
7. K.C.Samal, G.R.Rout and D.N.Bastia (2014) Dus Characterization of Aromatic rice varieties of Odisha. Pp.1-210.
8. K.C.Samal and G.R.Rout (2015) In vitro mass production of quality planting materials and its certification using molecular markers (Skill and Entrepreneurship Development program in Biotechnology), Pp.1-220.